I'm sure you have all noticed this from various comment boards to Reddit and 4chan. "I'm a Christian but (communist bullshit)" or "I was a Republican but (more communist bullshit)". It never turns out well, the atheists will still say youre an idiot as will progressives. Why placate them? Why does nobody stand up for their beliefs? Are we that scared of cancel culture or are we just that scared of possibly offending someone? Who will be the first to say, "This is what I think. Dont like it? Tough titties, now get out of my way".
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More generally, I don't think a lot of Christians understand their faith that well or the reasoning behind many of its commandments. Including the people who are supposed to be teaching it. Or they have mental blocks that prevent them from doing so.
Growing up I remember hearing very detailed explanations from a secular food safety standpoint why Jews weren't supposed to eat pork or other "unclean" animals. Yet somehow when it came to explanations for why women weren't supposed to be in leadership positions it was a whole lot of "well it was a different time and culture, and..."