They are trying to downplay the fentanyl but it's (probably) not going well. They established fairly well that 1) the dosage found in his system would 100% kill a naive fentanyl user 2) the dosage found in his system would barely affect a hardcore fentanyl abuser. Whether true or not it's been established that he had been clean for quite some time and had just recently relapsed which makes point 1 most relevant because you do not maintain tolerance to fentanyl when not using it.
They are trying to downplay the fentanyl but it's (probably) not going well. They established fairly well that 1) the dosage found in his system would 100% kill a naive fentanyl user 2) the dosage found in his system would barely affect a hardcore fentanyl abuser. Whether true or not it's been established that he had been clean for quite some time and had just recently relapsed which makes point 1 most relevant because you do not maintain tolerance to fentanyl when not using it.