Really nothing is stopping anyone from pooling money, buying some land and giving the commune life a go. I would argue that there's never been a better time for it. People are willing to pay for the type of products a commune could produce, like raw milk, chicken (you wouldn't believe what a free range chicken goes for; you'd think you were buying new york strip), soap, and woodworking products, hell buy a wood mizer and just sell the wood for a fortune. But that would be work, they want to sit in their apartments do nothing and consoom all these things not produce them.
Really nothing is stopping anyone from pooling money, buying some land and giving the commune life a go. I would argue that there's never been a better time for it. People are willing to pay for the type of products a commune could produce, like raw milk, chicken (you wouldn't believe what a free range chicken goes for; you'd think you were buying new york strip), soap, and woodworking products, hell buy a wood mizer and just sell the wood for a fortune. But that would be work, they want to sit in their apartments do nothing and consoom all these things not produce them.