On some things, yes. On others no.
Even then, I'd say the truth is that 90's Hillary Clinton was further 'right' than Margaret Thatcher. 2016's Hillary Clinton definitely wasn't.
Eh sort of. European ‘conservatives’ were originally wanting to ‘conserve’ the existing social or i.e. feudalism and monarchism. American colonists were the ‘liberal’ ie for freedom. Liberty and democracy. This is where ‘classical liberal’ comes from.
This is where the flip comes because modern American ‘conservatives’ are closer to the Classical liberals because they want to ‘conserve’ freedom liberty etc, Weber’s modern American liberal want to enact new-feudalism (socialism/communism)
Thats where people get confused at the nomenclature
Structurally Marxism is industrial neo-feudalism dressed up in atheistic, post enlightenment idealistic egalitarianism.
The difference between its results and what it promises are irrelevant to its internal intellectual coherence. It’s a useful tool for tyrants to gain and hold onto power.
There is nothing conservative about Boris Johnson or the Tory MPs who allow him to institute this tyranny on the populace.
Johnson claims the Vaccine passports are only going to be around for a year.
Remember 15 days to flatten the curve?
This vaccine passport horror will be permanent.
A permanent boot stomping on the face of the citizenry.
Yes, it's important to remember that in the UK, Hillary Clinton is further "right" than Margaret Thatcher.
On some things, yes. On others no. Even then, I'd say the truth is that 90's Hillary Clinton was further 'right' than Margaret Thatcher. 2016's Hillary Clinton definitely wasn't.
Eh sort of. European ‘conservatives’ were originally wanting to ‘conserve’ the existing social or i.e. feudalism and monarchism. American colonists were the ‘liberal’ ie for freedom. Liberty and democracy. This is where ‘classical liberal’ comes from.
This is where the flip comes because modern American ‘conservatives’ are closer to the Classical liberals because they want to ‘conserve’ freedom liberty etc, Weber’s modern American liberal want to enact new-feudalism (socialism/communism)
Thats where people get confused at the nomenclature
Structurally Marxism is industrial neo-feudalism dressed up in atheistic, post enlightenment idealistic egalitarianism.
The difference between its results and what it promises are irrelevant to its internal intellectual coherence. It’s a useful tool for tyrants to gain and hold onto power.
we currently have the left and the far (far) left
I cannot name a single legitimate conservative in British politics, other than to say Daniel Hannan (and now someone will trot up to say he's a fake).
The UK is going to have to get very adult, very fast, in order to stop this. I doubt very much that will be possible.