Turns out that "there was a wahmen there" wasn't the best way to invest your money. Of course, the company will collapse from bad publicity and lawsuits if your claims are correct, but you don't have much faith in that either.
Now, if one were to arbitrage companies with a lot of diversity BS vs. those that don't, that would likely be a good way to make money.
I closed out my short at a $15 loss yesterday. Didn't expect the EMA to do anything useful and I was right again.
Turns out that "there was a wahmen there" wasn't the best way to invest your money. Of course, the company will collapse from bad publicity and lawsuits if your claims are correct, but you don't have much faith in that either.
Now, if one were to arbitrage companies with a lot of diversity BS vs. those that don't, that would likely be a good way to make money.
I made it back shorting Goolag and Cuckflix on the possibility of bad news for growth stocks yesterday. Closed out $25 up.
I knew it wasn't going to work, but I'd rather lose out than miss out on a chance to literally get rich off the downfall of my enemies.