posted ago by BewareTheSuperman ago by BewareTheSuperman +42 / -0

My father's getting up in years - a Gen Xer who did his 20 years in the military and now lives comfortably as a low-rich class man with his own business, that he continues to run.

He's on his third marriage -- the first two were disastrous (trust me, I was there) -- and to his credit, she's a wonderful woman with a great family; she's his One, as he claims. Also, he had 4 kids between those first two marriages, of which I'm the oldest.

Occasionally he berates me for my lack of children and relationships; me, a late 20s right-leaning Millennial male -- Persona non Grata as far as our modern society is concerned.

Me, who's experienced a childhood consisting of two toxic relationships involving awful women.

Me, who's seen how feminism has polluted the dating pool.

Me, who knows what the Elite have in store for us common rabble, because they love to rub it in our faces and watch the majority do nothing.

Me, who knows my demographic isn't rewarded by the state for having multiple children.

He claims that our ancestors suffered through 100,000 years of adversity and produced offspring, and I have a responsibility to do so as well.

And I'm not saying the man is completely wrong -- and believe it or not, I actually do want kids, with a trusting woman and positive economic prospects, so basically a dream at this point -- but one thing I feel my forbears had that I'm lacking is... ignorance.

It's like the opening scene in 'Idiocracy' (a movie I vehemently hate because of how many people crow on about it being a "documentary of the future", or some other such drivel, even though it's making fun of people like them) where the dumbass gets two girls pregnant and has a huge mess of dumbass kids while the intelligent couple holds back because they think too hard about the economic and social aspects of having a kid.

Except, that's so many of our generation, isn't it? We've blackpilled ourselves out of relationships and children because the future looks bleak, and we have so much information at our fingertips to corroborate this viewpoint.

And as a result?

The men sit angry and alone, being berated by the powers that be for being angry and alone. Either indulging in too much self-pleasure, or debasing themselves trying to get a crumb of pussy like pathetic hounds salivating at the edge of their master's dinner table.

The women sit sad and alone, slutting it up in their younger years and spending their later years surrounded by pets and worthless possessions while they partake of box wine and write blog posts trying to convince themselves of the lie that they're happy as they are.

I don't champion ignorance, but if you don't know much, at least it seems you're more likely to want to pump out 12 kids.