Someone had a good idea last week about making a kindness post.
Fundamentally, it is important to build communities and institutions through affirming actions and efforts. A forum devoted solely to bitching and complaining will never work, and could potentially toxify (though in our case I doubt it would be too bad because you all are capable of self-regulating).
That being said, I like the idea of making one post every week that is specifically devoted to, not simply good news, but good affirmations to each other.
Please post positive things in this particular thread. Also, feel free to ping other users with compliments, kindness, and affirmations.
Think of it as a morale building exercise!
Agreed, we need some forward moment but we're all sort of milling about trying to puzzle out what said forward moment would look like. I've seen some segments of the current political dissident movement advocating for everyone moving to the same region, but I don't think that's viable for everyone, so we'll probably need to figure out how to set up multiple outposts scattered across the country.