yeah, theres antilockdown protests in my country. completly peacefull, just some boomers going for a walk.
the leftis are foaming at the mouth at those alt-right-nazi-incels-bla, basically calling for them to be thrown into a gulag or something.
then THEY held a protest against an illegal alien being thrown out of the country. the usual violence and destruction by the black-block, so the police had to move in and arrest those cunts.
they are incapable of seeing the difference. they just keep shouting about some "right-winged terror" that only exists in their minds, while outright justifying their own violence.
not even in the most left-winged newspaper the normies are buying it anymore. the comment sections are full of mocking and insulting them.
yeah, theres antilockdown protests in my country. completly peacefull, just some boomers going for a walk.
the leftis are foaming at the mouth at those alt-right-nazi-incels-bla, basically calling for them to be thrown into a gulag or something.
then THEY held a protest against an illegal alien being thrown out of the country. the usual violence and destruction by the black-block, so the police had to move in and arrest those cunts.
they are incapable of seeing the difference. they just keep shouting about some "right-winged terror" that only exists in their minds, while outright justifying their own violence. not even in the most left-winged newspaper the normies are buying it anymore. the comment sections are full of mocking and insulting them.