I downloaded a browser extension that allows me to hide search results, and it works in Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo etc.
I am in the process of populating my blacklist with the likes of Kotaku, Polygon IGN etc.The idea here is that when I perform a search for something gaming related, lets say Cyberpunk 2077, then I will not be shown results from the sites I add to the blacklist.
I do this to avoid giving clicks to woke, dishonest, corrupt and just downright shitty websites giving platforms to racists, communists and far-left ideologues.
So far, I have been using the list of must archive sites on the KIA2 Reddit wiki: https://www.reddit.com/r/kotakuinaction2/wiki/mustarchivelist
Anyone have any to add?
As mentioned, it'd be easier to get a whitelist of sites than enumerate every one to avoid.
To not avoid all of these sites but have similar effect, it'd be cool to have a plugin that checks for an existing archive, queues up a new one, and redirects you to the saved page once available.
The entire process would be insanely slow, but you'd have the bonus of having the web condom handy when posting about your hate fuck here or elsewhere.