For real, how can they compare that one Christian bakery with Twitter and Big Tech.
And on top of that, they use it like some ultimate "gotcha" moment.
The bakery was asked to create something from zero (with their hands, their name and brand).
Twitter was asked to host something (made by others, with other people's names and protected by Section 230).
I personally think it's not that hard to distinguish between the two, but whatever.
BTW, I'm not excusing the politicians that made life super easy for Big Tech and their friends - I still think they were dumb - but now we are experiencing unseen levels of doublethink.
The cake argument fails on a couple levels.
To build on your second point, IIRC didn’t the gay couple in question deliberately drive an hour+ out of their way to go to a specific Christian bakery to antagonize them?
They were from Connecticut. So they not only went across the country, but they went to multiple bakeries to find one that would refuse.
Never forget... they are all like this. All of them.