Geo politics are not my strong suit, not by any measure, but hearing snippets of how terribly China is currently doing, I can't help but feel what we're seeing is them presenting strength when actually weak, as told by Sun Tzu, driven by desperation and internal turmoil.
In short:
Their economy is also suffering, same as everyone else, and considering how they're the world's manufacturing center, why wouldn't it be?
You're a fool to think they've locked down Covid to the degree they claim. I guarantee it's ravaging their populace the same as if not worse than anyone else, and they're lying about it, and having their puppets across the globe lie for them.
I remember something about a famine, coupled with the absolute shit quality of their farm land - a holdover from the days of Mao and his dumbass policies on farming.
Also, problems with meeting electricity demand, largely because they're trying to play big dick and refuse themselves the Australian coal they so desperately need under the banner of trade sanctions.
Anyone with a better grasp of the situation at hand want to confirm or refute these points? I'm guessing it'll only take a stiff breeze in their direction to cause them to collapse if things are as bad as they could be.
They're definitely lying about their numbers, but a virus with a 99.997% survival rate cannot "ravage" a populace.