I don't think its possible to compress more idiocy, pandering and insulting into 13 seconds than happened in that clip. Outside of the Amen and Awomen being ridiculously stupid (which it is, as amen has nothing to do with gender at all), he manages to commit blasphemy according to Jewish, Christian and Muslim standards (and possibly drags Hindus in there - I can't quite tell what he says at the 4 sec mark but it sounds like Brahma), insults anyone who follows any of those religions, and demonstrates that he has no understanding of religion at all.
I don't think its possible to compress more idiocy, pandering and insulting into 13 seconds than happened in that clip. Outside of the Amen and Awomen being ridiculously stupid (which it is, as amen has nothing to do with gender at all), he manages to commit blasphemy according to Jewish, Christian and Muslim standards (and possibly drags Hindus in there - I can't quite tell what he says at the 4 sec mark but it sounds like Brahma), insults anyone who follows any of those religions, and demonstrates that he has no understanding of religion at all.
The only legitimate response that doesn't break federal laws
You basically summed up all my thoughts and posted my favorite meme. Love it.