Today we will discuss which games should win our award for "Best Adventure", "Strongest Anti-Communist Stance", and who should receive our "Gone Home" award for the most Overpriced Piece of Shit!
Please consider what you would like to argue should be the winning item for each of the passing categories.
Additionally, consider who you would like to nominate as your electors. You may choose 3 electors to cast votes for you on your behalf. Persuade them as necessary. You may choose yourself once. The top 12 most nominated electors will assemble as our electoral tribunal, and will vote on the final categories. Feel free to message me directly with your nomination, or comment your nominations publicly. The electors are allowed to vote their own conscience.
Previous Discussions:
Its not deliberately anti-communist, I don't think. But you get to see the horrors and struggles of communism as they play out in a disaster.
Including the necessary but brutal choices one makes that slowly dehumanize everyone until the allure of power finally corrupts you to simply squash them into simple cog in the machine.