Would it be wrong to wish those men stopped some enemies before they stopped playing minecraft? It would save more men in the future. In minecraft wink wink.
Not scientifically possible, that crowd already gaslights entire countries and rapes children to death en masse. Evicting them all would stop them peacefully. Or I guess we could sit on our hands and hope tolerating their abuse makes them feel bad about being evil. That's worked out so well for us so far, hasn't it?
When the young men start killing themselves from all the stupid feminist shit you push, your society starts collapsing on itself.
Would it be wrong to wish those men stopped some enemies before they stopped playing minecraft? It would save more men in the future. In minecraft wink wink.
Be careful what you wish for. A few of them getting taken out will make their tactics even more abhorrent and evil.
Not scientifically possible, that crowd already gaslights entire countries and rapes children to death en masse. Evicting them all would stop them peacefully. Or I guess we could sit on our hands and hope tolerating their abuse makes them feel bad about being evil. That's worked out so well for us so far, hasn't it?