posted ago by lifeisahologram ago by lifeisahologram +20 / -2

“The game is shit why do you even play” yea yeah we all know. Now with that out of the way...

Nomad is the most immersive intro, while Corpo is the least.

First why I dislike corpo I don’t like how Jackie is introduced immediately. They are shown to be best friends, but we quickly see Vs dialogue options throughout the entire intro, it just doesn’t fit with this type of relationship. V is also apprehensive about doing the event and then the montage doesn’t help establish his downfall/development very well considering where he started, especially with a female corpo (that montage is a joke with a female V) The relationship with Jackie and their escapades feel tacked on with the limited corpo personality they established.

Additionally I don’t like how the character starts (After the intro) with absolutely nothing in the exact same situation as the other 2. So then what’s the point of corpo? You never feel like a corpo from a “privileged” background from the beginning because they have you wearing punk street and casual clothes as a broke ass nobody. Feels the same as the others.

Nomad on the other hand I feel is 10x better because you simply start out in the desert as a nobody on a journey. With corpo they were somebody without any details, but nomad is a nobody without any details so we can established those ourselves. Also the way Jackie and V are introduced as strangers, doing a job together, is WAAAY better. Not to mention you buy their relationship more. Jackie feels like he could be a real friend to Nomad V, and after the intro event the montage feels more realistic to what people in their situation would do getting started and catching their bearings in a new city.

Which speaking of the city, it feels like a true heroes journey going from your “small town” desert shack to big city apartment as a nomad. Now corpo SHOULD feel like the fall from grace story, of a former hero banished from society having to work their way back, but it doesn’t because you never get the sense of what it feels to be a corpo/on top imo, so it just feels empty and less fulfilling.

Just my opinions. Am I wrong? Right? How do you feel about the way the story is introduced?