CDPRs only real mistake in all of this was releasing it for last gen consoles to begin with. Should have made it a next gen exclusive.
The game runs at a solid 60 FPS at a mix of high to ultra graphics on my 1600X and 580, granted they're both overclocked as far as they can go with stock coolers but still it's not nearly as buggy for me as people have claimed. Especially after two patches that were within what, 10 days of release?
Last gen consoles are 7 years old, new games that aren't annual franchises shouldn't be releasing for them at this point.
CDPRs only real mistake in all of this was releasing it for last gen consoles to begin with. Should have made it a next gen exclusive.
The game runs at a solid 60 FPS at a mix of high to ultra graphics on my 1600X and 580, granted they're both overclocked as far as they can go with stock coolers but still it's not nearly as buggy for me as people have claimed. Especially after two patches that were within what, 10 days of release?
Last gen consoles are 7 years old, new games that aren't annual franchises shouldn't be releasing for them at this point.