Fantasy flight has released a new game and labeled it a Descent game.
They made a very expensive game, with horrible art. The hero selection has no male human/ dwarf fighter characters, no white human male characters at all. The only character that is manly is a black wizard dude that I admit is kind of cool. The male elf ranger character is the most pathetic looking character that they could have designed.
In previous games Fantasy Flight made it a thing to have both male and female represented in their games. The Descent Second Edition game had 1 male and 1 female of every class. You had male fighters and female fighters, male mages and female mages etc. Now in a game that is a freaking 175$ they decided to not include the most popular characters, male human fighters and male dwarf fighters. Their Descent player base is as you expect white and male but they decided to not include it at all in their game.
Sorry for the rant.
Had to make a small edit: One of the characters Vaerix, the Dragon-Hybrid Outcast has neutral pronouns. Cause of course they does.
Rant away. Need to talk about SJW stuff in games even if they are board games.
It's always jarring when any game gets rid of some characters for having traits SJWs hate. Borderlands 3 killed off almost all the male characters to make them look pathetic. They even had that retarded "girl power" ending.
Couldn't bring myself to finish it. Rented a copy from Rebox to play with my partner and got a little less than halfway through. I don't think i actively look for themes in games but the anti-male sentiment was pretty palpable in that one.
What was the ending like?
The ending was that Lilith was the only one who could save the planet using girl power and she flew and used it but probably died in the process. Then all the womyn get together for a "this girl is on fire" MV. For real.