Fantasy flight has released a new game and labeled it a Descent game.
They made a very expensive game, with horrible art. The hero selection has no male human/ dwarf fighter characters, no white human male characters at all. The only character that is manly is a black wizard dude that I admit is kind of cool. The male elf ranger character is the most pathetic looking character that they could have designed.
In previous games Fantasy Flight made it a thing to have both male and female represented in their games. The Descent Second Edition game had 1 male and 1 female of every class. You had male fighters and female fighters, male mages and female mages etc. Now in a game that is a freaking 175$ they decided to not include the most popular characters, male human fighters and male dwarf fighters. Their Descent player base is as you expect white and male but they decided to not include it at all in their game.
Sorry for the rant.
Had to make a small edit: One of the characters Vaerix, the Dragon-Hybrid Outcast has neutral pronouns. Cause of course they does.
Descent: Journeys into the Dark got blown out of the water by Gloomhaven. I don't see anything in this new version, even ignoring the drop of art quality since the last version, telling me this'll be a Gloomhaven competitor.
Journeys into the Dark was not a perfect game, there are a few things that needed to change that got implemented in Imperial Assault. However it offered something that Gloomhaven did not, playing against a human Overlord that does all he can to win. The second edition is not even a dungeon crawl but more of a strategy game designed around objectives.
Rather then build on what made Descent interesting they decided to make a Gloomhaven competitor. Their main sale is going to be the miniatures, but honestly is 175$ for a game that is not as good as Gloomhaven.
This for me is not even a problem is the fact that they I'm assuming are going to go towards a SJW direction, so when the third edition will be out I expect very few male fighters, males to look pathetic like that elf ranger and represent all the minorities. I even expect some trans looking characters.
Why are leftists all crazy if someone has the wrong haircut in Animal Crossing but having black knights or black vickings not cultural appropriation?