Topic is very simple: There are many western games coming nowadays that are plain unfun, boring, or shoved with ugly people and certain politics. TLOU 2receiving GOTY was a joke. Is there a game, if any, coming from the west, that you are kinda hopeful about?
Some of the western games I enjoyed playing this year were Deep Rock, Synthetik, Desperados 3, Children of Morta, Satisfactory and Hitman 2, though they are hardly recent. I’m kinda hopeful about Hitman 3 but I heavily dislike the “always online” game model.
What about you guys, though?
Also, to mods, add a gaming/ geek culture tag or whatever. Options here are limited as it is.
For the first time in years none really. There's a few games I will play when they come out like Dying Light 2 & Cyber Punk, but I'm not that excited by video games anymore. I quite frankly think I'm growing out of video games, and I don't mind.