Topic is very simple: There are many western games coming nowadays that are plain unfun, boring, or shoved with ugly people and certain politics. TLOU 2receiving GOTY was a joke. Is there a game, if any, coming from the west, that you are kinda hopeful about?
Some of the western games I enjoyed playing this year were Deep Rock, Synthetik, Desperados 3, Children of Morta, Satisfactory and Hitman 2, though they are hardly recent. I’m kinda hopeful about Hitman 3 but I heavily dislike the “always online” game model.
What about you guys, though?
Also, to mods, add a gaming/ geek culture tag or whatever. Options here are limited as it is.
I've deliberately fallen a year or so behind the curve, so I'm never really looking forward to anything. I buy games 12+ months after release for 50%+ off. Saving the money is great, but it also helps to have a clearer picture of the quality and value of games outside of their release-window hype.
This all works because I don't play any online multiplayer stuff, so I never have to worry about lagging behind "the community". I can't imagine ever going back to paying full price for games on or near release day. The only exception to this would be elden ring, but we all know that's never coming out.