This should be self-evident from the title, but I'm curious if the community would like to create an award listing and maybe some categories for games that we believe should be recognized and praised.
Considering that game journos are all Leftist pinko trash who should be helicoptered to the nearest volcano as the enemies of the people, and are at the very best: best a bunch of worthless bio-lenninst failures who's only goal in life is to be nothing more than corporate cock-sleeves using access-journalism to gatekeep themselves into positions of narcissistic self-importance within a giant incestuous harem of degeneracy and corporate cuckoldry, of which, even the light & majesty of God can not re-moralize. Given all that, we should probably just rely on our own experiences to disseminate the valuable human capital of what is, and is not, a shitty game.
Given that there is not much in the way of anti-Leftist gaming institutions, and given that any institution that is not explicitly anti-Leftist is destined to be subverted by Leftism, I was thinking that we could serve as an anti-Leftist platform that could give praise and attention to game developers as an anti-parallel institution to Leftists.
If you want, I can offer up some categories and an electoral process that I think would work and would prevent fraud, corruption, and brigading. I'll leave my ideas in the comments, but I'd like your input on if we should undergo such an award system.
Hey guys I know we thought we had finished this poll, but a e-mail just showed up from [email protected] and it dropped off 100,000 lost votes that happened to all go to The Last of Us 2 for the Woke-free GOTY award.
Do not question this, nothing to see here at all. There is no such thing as poll fraud you racist bigots.