Recently got a temp ban from KiA2 for very mildly acknowledging this fact. Just testing the waters here.
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The 'noticers' only 'notice' when it's convenient for them and their agenda of trying to spread racial hatred. These people are just the mirror image of SJWs. Literally replace 'Jew' with 'white male' in their unhinged screeds and it's a post on Tumblr.
I find that quite cringe actually as well, especially if it has nothing to do with race.
The other interesting thing about the SJW / antisemite relationship is that they are both based on conspiracy theories that imply actual racial superiority.
SJWs think that white people are so much more advanced than other races that they created a system of white supremacy that spans the globe, permeates every interaction, and the only way for non-whites to achieve equity is for whites to willingly abdicate their power and wealth.
Antisemites think that Jews are so cunning and crafty that, despite being a very tiny minority, they have managed to globally seize all the major levers of power in finance, media, and commerce, and are enacting their revenge on the feckless goyim, and the only way to stop them is... well, we know how the previous efforts went.