This is not as bad as what other companies are doing. I'm not a fan but is not full blown SJW. I may give RE 3 Remake a try.
I consider this type of actions as more SJW influenced rather then SJW themselves. But is the slippery slope.
On a parallel note, I thought the same about WoW BFA, SJW influenced but not SJW, until it came out that a lot of writers are racist and hate men.
This is not as bad as what other companies are doing. I'm not a fan but is not full blown SJW. I may give RE 3 Remake a try. I consider this type of actions as more SJW influenced rather then SJW themselves. But is the slippery slope.
On a parallel note, I thought the same about WoW BFA, SJW influenced but not SJW, until it came out that a lot of writers are racist and hate men.