Still waiting on the full video but James O'Keefe has some clips on his Twitter
Retweeted by the GEOTUS himself
Edit: And here's the full 2 hour audio
That's not actually what Project Veritas is saying. Let's be very clear about this:
Veritas is alleging that the Witness was intimidated and coerced during an interrogation.
The witness has said that the USPS IG interrogators were basically grilling him on his statements.
The witness says he did not recant his statement
The Washington Post claims that the witness recanted his statement citing an unnamed source. No shit. Also, a tweet by the Democrats on the House Oversight Committee. Let me be clear about that, not the House Oversight Committee... just the Democrats on it. Literally: genuine propaganda.
God speed, devil. You're in the shit now.
The problem is you’re still looking at wapo as a newspaper when it’s really an arm of Bezos and Amazon’s PR apparatus. As long as Amazon is making trillions and Democrats are scared of losing the “slay queen” crowd on twitter, wapo will exist