Whichever way this election goes, I don't care. The reality is that America is so divided that a horrible, violent conflict is completely unavoidable and I don't want to raise children in an environment like that, nor do I care enough about this country to put my life on the line for it.
I'm a grown man with a wife and we're about to start a family. Neither of us want to live here any more but we just don't know where to go. So many places sound great on paper but have hidden terrors once you dig a little deeper.
All we want is to live in a country where NO racism -actual, overt, hateful racism - is tolerated (unlike America where anti white racism is not only tolerated but rewarded), there's a sense of community, and crime and corruption are low. Does a place like this exist? I don't even care if it's not majority white as long as they won't hate me for my race like they do here. Certain eastern european countries look promising, but they all seem to have the same political strife and internal hatred that America does, and even the most peaceful South American countries are corrupt as hell.
Politically we don't care how the country leans. What we're trying to run from is the hate and the violence, not any particular ideology.
I'd appreciate any suggestions.
I've been down this thought path before and was pretty serious about it. For me this goes back to at least the Obama administration when I started seeing it. It's not a new thought. It was a combination of two thoughts: I generally feel like a misfit in America at times and politically this country is going into a hellhole.
I've had to step back from that. For one, I was caught off guard too early. I was thinking this type of event like is occurring now was 10-15 years off and by then I'd be well prepared to just give everyone the finger and ride off into the sunset. There's a lot to do to prepare though. I'd have to scout places and know where to go, build up funds, research how to be allowed to legally immigrate there, etc. It's not like the Hollywood libtards think, you can't just waltz in to anywhere you'd actually want to live and decide to stay. Then you get the thought of is the grass actually greener?
Aside from that whole mess, I'm getting the idea more and more that if America falls so does the rest of the world. We can't let this happen. I've only ever been anything but an American. I'm not a somethingican-American. I have no other cultural identity, most of my ancestors have been here forever. I just got back from a trip on which I saw a military gravestone of one of my ancestors who fought in the Revolutionary War. The effing beginning of it all. I just can't consider running and leaving my entire history behind.
So, I basically decided I'm going to fight as a resistance. We are going to see this stuff start happening a lot more, online communities doing everything they can to usurp this nonsense for example. I'm going to get more vocal in local politics. I've also drawn some lines in the sand--for example if they decide to force me to "re-education" I will not go, ever! I will die first and hope to take more of them with me. If a real war comes, I'm ready to go. When I say this I don't mean some ridiculous tiny group of outcasts that are going to get murdered in an alleyway and forgotten. I mean a real uprising of the people. Otherwise, I'm just going to continue my regular life as normal but with much more vigilance.
If I thought I could just grab my sword and fight the horde I would, but I really don't see it happening. There's just too much power and international backing behind it.
I think the very, absolute best scenario America can hope for is being split into multiple countries along ideological lines, which honestly I'd be fine with. The only way to beat this thing is by not letting it take root in the first place. Starting anew with strict anti-globalist laws is the most reasonable course of action, provided enough people are willing to do it.
I agree, it may be hopeless and I have a much more negative outlook on my future than just a couple years ago. It's just one of those things I've decided is if it comes to it, it's the hill I have to die on. No, it will never be me openly fighting the horde, at least not alone or unorganized, that's just suicide.
Basically, I feel like the animal that's been backed into a corner. Fight is all I have left. The reasonable avenues to flee are gone and if I do run I'd just be running myself right into another corner.