Politely, I disagree. I see where your logic is coming from - I just don't see it as a possible solution given the sheer amount of voter fraud going on. It's not a coincidence this is happening in places where Democrats have control of all the voting apparatus. All those people who checked Biden and mailed it in... Doesn't explain all the votes that were Biden only. The people who were so willing to put a check next to Biden's name that you describe weren't interested in down ballot voting, like, at all?
Coming weeks going to be fun - we'll have leaks before we have news. I also think the Democratic party is on the verge of exploding like an overfilled balloon, far too much corruption - and it's not like Trump wasn't aware of this, or the entire nation wasn't. Media is hoping to just play him off stage as part of their script. We'll see where it goes.
The people who were so willing to put a check next to Biden's name that you describe weren't interested in down ballot voting, like, at all... All those people who checked Biden and mailed it in...
...Doesn't explain all the votes that were Biden only.
How does it not? To me, them voting only for Biden, is the thing that makes it even more believable to me.
The media didn't just go absolutely bonkers, and run non-stop propaganda - for five years - against any of those down ballot people. The majority of these people - the ones who cast your "only Biden" ballots - are those who don't normally vote, and this time they were only voting to get rid of "Orange man bad!".
It wasn't a vote for Biden. It wasn't a vote for all those badass Biden policies he was promising (Like anyone even knows what they are). It wasn't a vote for hyper leftist politics. No one gives an f' about Biden.
These people who only voted only for Biden were the low information, low interest, low energy (as in they don't pay attention to politics, they don't know the issues, they usually don't even bother to vote) people. These people are the exact people who were the most susceptible to the five years of indoctrination by the media. They were absolutely inundated by "Orange man bad!" for five fucking years! On top of that, they have just spent the last eight fucking months watching the economy, and their normal/social lives being turned to shit. These people are miserable, they just want stuff to "change", and all they constantly hear is that the reason for their misery is... "Orange man bad!"
The left knew that was their path to victory - those people. They knew they needed as many of those people to vote as possible, and COVID gave them exactly the reason they needed, to enable exactly what they would fucking need to get that to happen: universal mail in voting.
It worked.
Again - please don't think I'm totally disregarding the likely fraud. It's fairly obvious that there was plenty of that. The universal mail in voting (made possible by the media, and what they've done with COVID) made the whole election absolutely ripe for the usual crap - like ballot harvesting - that the left loves to pull. It has also made it so that they could do simple crap like "oops! here's a bunch more mail in votes for Biden! We'll just backdate those, and dump them into the pile with all the legal votes cast by the actual deadline! Good luck separating them from the legal ones if you ever try to do an audit!"
I'm sure they did cheat where they could. I still don't think that's the main reason the left won, though. They won because they absolutely own the flow of information to those low interest / low energy voters. With what they are now doing with regards to the censoring of anything they don't like on social media, things are only going to get worse.
These people are the exact people who were the most susceptible to the five years of indoctrination by the media.
See, that's where my disagreement is. I understand the logic you employ that makes it more likely for you that specific demographic you listed as being one likely to only vote for Joe Biden.
Let's say that's true. That specific demographic decided only to vote for Joe Biden, but not any other candidate? Why? The ballot was in their hand, did they go "I don't know about these other people, so I'll just abstain from voting about them". Did they start caring enough to vote for Biden but not to touch anything else on the ballot? That seems a big stretch to me. I think it's more likely that the media and the cheating has a secondary effect: we really can't tell what happened. It may be way worse than I expect or you expect, or it may be less. But if I had to bet on it, I'd bet on it being cheating rather than the demographic you describe.
On the other hand, I've spoken to friends who take it for granted that Trump has raped children multiple times, straight faced and think anyone who doesn't believe it is crazy. Like I said, it's really hard to tell what's going on, lots of plausible theories. This is the kind of thing you get with mail in voting.
Politely, I disagree. I see where your logic is coming from - I just don't see it as a possible solution given the sheer amount of voter fraud going on. It's not a coincidence this is happening in places where Democrats have control of all the voting apparatus. All those people who checked Biden and mailed it in... Doesn't explain all the votes that were Biden only. The people who were so willing to put a check next to Biden's name that you describe weren't interested in down ballot voting, like, at all?
Coming weeks going to be fun - we'll have leaks before we have news. I also think the Democratic party is on the verge of exploding like an overfilled balloon, far too much corruption - and it's not like Trump wasn't aware of this, or the entire nation wasn't. Media is hoping to just play him off stage as part of their script. We'll see where it goes.
How does it not? To me, them voting only for Biden, is the thing that makes it even more believable to me.
The media didn't just go absolutely bonkers, and run non-stop propaganda - for five years - against any of those down ballot people. The majority of these people - the ones who cast your "only Biden" ballots - are those who don't normally vote, and this time they were only voting to get rid of "Orange man bad!".
It wasn't a vote for Biden. It wasn't a vote for all those badass Biden policies he was promising (Like anyone even knows what they are). It wasn't a vote for hyper leftist politics. No one gives an f' about Biden.
These people who only voted only for Biden were the low information, low interest, low energy (as in they don't pay attention to politics, they don't know the issues, they usually don't even bother to vote) people. These people are the exact people who were the most susceptible to the five years of indoctrination by the media. They were absolutely inundated by "Orange man bad!" for five fucking years! On top of that, they have just spent the last eight fucking months watching the economy, and their normal/social lives being turned to shit. These people are miserable, they just want stuff to "change", and all they constantly hear is that the reason for their misery is... "Orange man bad!"
The left knew that was their path to victory - those people. They knew they needed as many of those people to vote as possible, and COVID gave them exactly the reason they needed, to enable exactly what they would fucking need to get that to happen: universal mail in voting.
It worked.
Again - please don't think I'm totally disregarding the likely fraud. It's fairly obvious that there was plenty of that. The universal mail in voting (made possible by the media, and what they've done with COVID) made the whole election absolutely ripe for the usual crap - like ballot harvesting - that the left loves to pull. It has also made it so that they could do simple crap like "oops! here's a bunch more mail in votes for Biden! We'll just backdate those, and dump them into the pile with all the legal votes cast by the actual deadline! Good luck separating them from the legal ones if you ever try to do an audit!"
I'm sure they did cheat where they could. I still don't think that's the main reason the left won, though. They won because they absolutely own the flow of information to those low interest / low energy voters. With what they are now doing with regards to the censoring of anything they don't like on social media, things are only going to get worse.
See, that's where my disagreement is. I understand the logic you employ that makes it more likely for you that specific demographic you listed as being one likely to only vote for Joe Biden.
Let's say that's true. That specific demographic decided only to vote for Joe Biden, but not any other candidate? Why? The ballot was in their hand, did they go "I don't know about these other people, so I'll just abstain from voting about them". Did they start caring enough to vote for Biden but not to touch anything else on the ballot? That seems a big stretch to me. I think it's more likely that the media and the cheating has a secondary effect: we really can't tell what happened. It may be way worse than I expect or you expect, or it may be less. But if I had to bet on it, I'd bet on it being cheating rather than the demographic you describe.
On the other hand, I've spoken to friends who take it for granted that Trump has raped children multiple times, straight faced and think anyone who doesn't believe it is crazy. Like I said, it's really hard to tell what's going on, lots of plausible theories. This is the kind of thing you get with mail in voting.