I know a lot of people who are having trouble handling the way things are going. The left has engaged in sustained, random, low-intensity violence on a national level. People feel they need to prepare, but they can't retaliate, and that constant edgy readiness is already wearing people down while the left continues to randomly burn and loot with impunity.
Do people have some ideas on how to handle that constant background noise without getting worn down and losing before the fight even begins? I've been able to compartmentalize and just wait to do the job that's in front of me, but not everyone can do that.
Huh. While I live in Canada, I've long been frustrated by the modern design of stores. Parking used to be in the back, and you walked around the front to the door, which had access via the sidewalk. Now? Your big stores sit smack in the middle of a parking-lot sea, where pedestrians have to play dodge-car, for the most part. I just thought it was a deliberate, pro-cartard decision to deliberately discourage walking. Because for all the fuss about "get on a bike" from the 80s and 90s, no one actually redesigned anywhere to be more pedestrian or bike friendly (and this city is probably one of the fucking worst, even for its "small" size). And bike trails basically got treated like tourist routes that don't need to go anywhere actually useful (and bicycles should never be expected to share with either cars or pedestrians).