Someone needs to make a "new testament" to karl marx's book cause its not just about class struggle anymore is it? They turned it in to "race or gender or sexuality or anything under the sun identity(including fat) struggle"
Though the old school commies did actually have a bit of that race or gender struggle if you look it up , but there was much more focus on "class" but now they make it more focused on race, gender, sexuality, etc. etc. with class struggle still being there but more in the background.
Academic Agent covered this as a Freudian subversion of Marxism by "unconscious thought" which happened in the early 20th century.
Classical Marxists are strict materialists, but they have long since been rejected and dismissed because Marxism has effectively be re-defined into new structures. Our observation of this is what we call "Cultural Marxism". Because we observe enemy movements, our enemy attempts to discredit those movements as a "conspiracy theory" so that we don't realize how they organize themselves.