Detroit ballot counters bein' shady.
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This one has been going around, but anyone else think in a way, we're fighting Democratic simps?
The argument here is that it's a secret ballot - you're not supposed to be able to see what other people voted for, to link someone's name to their vote. It's a secret ballot.
But what they're doing is essentially: "Honey! Phones are private, you know? I have some private stuff on their with other people, and we need to respect their privacy, and it really upsets me that you don't trust me." Look at the phone though and find them riding the cock carousel.
Democrats seem to be simping for this. Trust the system! They're all valid, mail in ballots, of course they'd go like 99.99% for Biden! And there would be just enough, always, to beat Trump in any state! Aren't you worried about trust in our institutions!? They need your trust right now, so trust in them. It feels like hardcore desperate simping. Or gaslighting via desperation - they want to believe it SO badly, they NEED to believe it that it just becomes their reality and they'll defend it to the death.
Regardless of how this ends.
Half of the country will be livid and consider this election was stolen. Trust in the integrity of the election process is permanently damaged severely.
The truth remains that it was the Democrats who were employing fraud.
People who voted for Trump should never forget this atrocity and should know to never trust the media, big tech, Fortune 500 scumbags, academia and the international NGOs who did everything possible to help Biden steal it.
Does anyone really think dementia addled sexual predator Joe Biden would get millions more votes than the smooth talking criminal that the left worshipped; Barack Obama?
I don't think this is "Regardless of how this ends." I think it was specifically part of the Democrat strategy.
They cheat. They always cheat. This is not news to anyone who's even mildly politically literate. They cheat in slimy, skeevy ways and swear they haven't and hope they get away with it. Sometimes they do.
At this point, too many people know. A fair vote is a loss for them, as we've seen so far. They're trying to claim Biden got more votes than any other President ever - when he couldn't get people to show up to an event, while Trump literally had the biggest, if not close to the biggest, rallies of all time. It fits the left-wing narrative: "We've been #Resisting for 4 years, of course more of us voted than ever! Orange Man Bad REEEEEEEEEEE!" They'll believe it to the grave, even if no one gives a flying fuck about senile 'ol Joe who can't say words properly, let alone the corruption.
The goal was this: If we can't win by cheating, we'll destroy faith in institution, in our election - that way, when Trump is on term two, we will double-down harder on him being illegitimate, a fascist, etc. If you can't win, a plague on BOTH parties political houses is better than a plague on just the loser's party.
For me, I don't just want a Trump victory, even if it requires the courts. I want the house cleaned. Every voter fraud they can prove, every person involved, off to court they go, jail sentences, everything. I wouldn't mind if the ring leaders were put in jail for treason if they could prove they knowingly defrauded an election. The institutions do need protecting, they're kind of our pillars.
I would be ecstatic enough with a final Trump win because I know that punishment for Democrat crime just never happens. They always skate on by with no consequences.
Our institutions are sadly dead and I will disagree vehemently with anyone who tries to foolishly say that they are still pure and uncorrupted.
This is the thing. We all know awful corrupt illegal and immoral shit is done by politicians on a regular basis. But when it comes time to do something about it, it's "NOT MY SIDE!!!!!!!!"
Trump has a better chance at cleaning those fuckers out, but the left is going to lose it's mind. I generally feel that when the right is corrupt, it's... different than the left. Not that they're not both corrupt, but it's like a different texture. Like ice cream, but different flavors of corruption. There's one type of corruption you're more likely to find on the left, and another kind on the right, but they can both do bad shit.
On the other hand, I like Ted Cruz and think he's pretty clean and a good person and good politician. About two or so years ago, I told that to an online friend of maybe half a year, that I thought Ted Cruz was a good guy. That friend went bye bye instantly, after their outrage about how evil he was. Then I see the left defend Adam Schiff and I go do something else before my mind implodes.
Same, except thats just more proof that Trump is super mega orange Hitler ascended. Hes rounding up and jailing everyone who opposes him!!!1@1!1!!
And then for no reason at all some Austrian painter won the plurality vote.
To be fair, American politics has been so corrupt and so fucked up for so long at this point that anyone who started doing it right would be attacked as if they were Hitler. Doesn't mean they're all corrupt, but I would not be surprised if like 30-50% of them were straight up corrupt, and another 15-25% who had broken laws but sort of at the level of a parking ticket, but are repeat offenders x500