These degenerates and the corrupt bastards who support them are responsible for a shitton of murders, are prone to committing rape, and are responsible for widespread corruption and societal decay.
Because of this, I am wondering if as a whole it can no longer be considered alogging to wish extreme harm and suffering upon them because of their horrendous actions?
I'm actually ok with the idea of moving them all to Canada. It would make a great experiment, give them all the leftists and take all right wing/ centrists. I often wonder what would a leftist do if xe had nothing to demonize.
they would just attempt to go to war with the US if we dumped all the regressive leftists in canada and let in disidents as refugees.
A war between the US and canada would end very badly for canada, as canadian disidents would likely go insurgent and unleash hell on earth towards any regressive leftist/commonwealth loyalist they could get their hands on, and there is one kind of hell on earth that might be used to bring extreme suffering upon our enemies while allowing for insurgent opperations to be financed.