Hello fellow gamers,
We're the people who will be implementing the next chapter for OAG.
As many of you have noticed, there is a lot of controversy and concern about the site's future under new management. This, in part, is owed to how we went about announcing the next chapter of our journey together. For this, we apologize and are here to dispel any and all rumors going around as well as address any questions you our audience have for us.
We will show you with our action and our product's quality that we are serious about our mission and respect for you - the consumer. To begin this process, we are setting up an AMA to answer questions you have about the transition, staffing, what is going on, or who is best girl and why traps are most assuredly gay. Anything you are curious about, we will attempt to answer.
Ask us anything!
Proof: https://twitter.com/OneAngryGamerHD/status/1323646163317383169
We'll start answering your questions in 3 hours.
https://kotakuinaction2.win/u/OneAngryGamerHD/ ( Lead Editor ) https://kotakuinaction2.win/u/Kevin_Green/ ( Legacy Writer ) AKA Kevin : )
Hi, thank you for your extensive input, we appreciate it and we're all open-ears, since we are not fully educated in the communities we are diving into.
We absolutely agree with your statement, even if we would not have to censor certain words/harassment we would view these types of discussions as inappropiate and achieving nothing. I think you will enjoy the upcomming approach to content!
We are not against criticisms and open discussions of this topic, as we are keeping the " Got woke - went broke " list. As long as it doesn't involve derogatory terms and extremist discussions.
You are correct and thank you for your suggestion, we will be working on nailing down on the main policies that would be acceptable towards the community and google together : )
You will definitely be able to find what you're looking for and more. We as the owners will not be influencing the content that is being written by our talented writers, nor giving any opinions, as long as the content is up to par with google's ToS, we are good to go :) You can expect the content to stay the same and even better than before ( unless you only read Billy's articles ;) ) since we will be focusing a lot more into the game industry!