I remember back in '15 when the left started saying this-or-that everyday object, gesture, innocent image, phrase, or even necessary part of a healthy diet was "alt-right". It was hilarious watching them scrape away at their free time, figuratively working overtime so they could put the extra cash in an envelope labelled "fuck you". Most of us were probably laughing, in fact, as we ignored the envelope and just took the money.
Now, recently, I have seen what appears to be some kind of psyop. People here are saying that if an individual uses certain words commonly used by the left, this is a sign that they themselves are also leftist. This in itself is a good observation and indeed, there exist many words used largely exclusively by the left, however, there is something about this that doesn't sit right with me, and it's that there is a solution.
When you see that all of your enemies communicate using very specific frequencies so the uninitiated cannot hear them, sure, it is a viable solution to tune in and see who does and does not belong there, but this is a very fragile solution as many will feign their leftism by also communicating at this frequency, using these words, without actually being a leftist. A much more viable solution that does not suffer from this issue is to broadcast on that frequency at so high a volume that it obliterates any chance of the left being able to communicate amongst themselves. Instead of denouncing these words, use them even more as you say normal right-wing stuff.
As an example, the word "problematic" is a famously unique "dog-whitsle" word employed by the left. "Problematic" has very intuitive meaning. Something that is problematic is called so because it creates problems. I believe all of us here can agree that the Left causes problems, and is thus by definition problematic.
Similarly, Toxic is another liberal catch-all, but all it really is (when used by the media) is an ad hominem attack on a person, which is how most people here would define toxic behaviour.
Start using their words. Drown out their communications. Don't let them win.
These days, if I hear someone refer to someone else as "unproblematic". I take it to mean that their either very PC, or state the standard liberal talking points.
I was just watching some Diesel Patches videos, when I saw the one with NigaHiga, which technically is more about Lily Singh. But the point I'm making is about the comments on it with people talking about how NH is unproblematic. Funny, considering the content that Patches makes and the jokes he makes aren't really PC, so I don't know why so many viewers were like that.
Also to add, I didn't care to watch NH's corona video because I really don't care about "hate crimes". And people can go and tell me that "it's about racists, not all white people" and I still wouldn't care. It just goes to show me that centrists are still leftists but less extreme.
But while I would say that I haven't watched any of his vids since then. It wouldn't really mean a thing since he hasn't posted since that one. Sorry, I went off on a bit of a tangent because I did/do enjoy a lot of his work over the years.