The Hunter Biden corruption story has a new twist
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"Text Messages Show VP Biden and His Wife Colluded to Suppress Hunter's Actions with a certain minor"
How much of a fuck up is his son Hunter? How the fuck can Joe Biden say with a straight face that he is running on bringing decency back in leadership?
The Hunter Biden pay for play Ukraine/China/Russia scandals are already enough to disqualify Joe from running.
If Joe Biden wins after all of this either through the normies allowing blatant voter fraud or through the stupidity of TDS infected normies then this nation is truly completely hopeless.
The left hate Trump, the moderates and leftists are all united against the terrible dictator. No one on the left cares if Biden is corrupt, even if Joe is found to be fiddling children the left will not get angry at Joe but on who ever brought the information to light.
If the last 4 years taught me anything is that the left is so delusional and so hate filled that they would do anything to get Trump out of office.
This is really not a healthy way to do politics, america really needs to fix the 2 party system.