I found a twitter thread discussing how California will run its race classification system if #Prop16 passes and it part of it listed North African/Middle Eastern people under the category of "White/Caucasian" for whatever dumb reason. And i found two black females on the thread saying that the reason they did that is because White people will be a minority soon so in order to stay the majority they decided to boost up their numbers by including Middle Easterners/North African people as "White/Caucasian"
.....what? wtf.... i can't... How can people be this stupid to think this??
It disturbs me greatly to read The United States of Lyncherdom, and see Mark Twain be proven right. He nailed down lynchings for what they truly were. It was never anything about hate. They weren't even angry. It was one giant virtue signal preformed by cowards.
People who were 'to afraid not to be seen' at the lynching.