Given that the left has seemly taken over literally every aspect of entertainment, education, and work in Western countries like the US and Britain, are there any countries left that are not pozzed? From my observations on the internet, it seems that the only countries that are not pozzed are either 3rd world countries or countries with a history of communism rule like Poland.
I am genuinely considering options on where to emigrate to as it really does seem like I have to move to some rural place in the middle of nowhere if I want to raise a normal kid and enjoy my hobbies here in the US.
Government job involved in our expat experiences.
But your concern questioning moving abroad from the US, obviously had no research involved in what it actually takes to do that, how you might expect to accomplish that, and what kinds of requirements are involved.
In other words; Amy Schumer screaming she is leaving America right now! displays no idea how how international immigration actually works. And you will probably not ever be doing that no matter how "pozzed" your location is.
The difficulty of emigrating for regular people who just wish to escape the current grind, and who are not making refugee claims, is next to impossible.
Not trying to be condescending; but do people not realize all of the various international treaties, diplomacies, agreements, sanctions, and financial operations involved?
You can't go just wherever you want in this world because it suits you.
Well, that is why I made a post here: to see what other people thought about this and apparently to show how fucking clueless I am on this matter lol.
This idea of emigration came to me only recently when I found a job posting that was offering a Japanese work visa for a field that I want to get into.
I'll come back to you when I've done my research on emigration.
Re-reading this conversation I'm sorry if I sounded berating, I don't mean to be.
Having clarified with the addition of a possible Japanese work visa changes the picture entirely.
Employers abroad who offer this kind of visa assistance are at the top of the heap of opportunities in this world, it's the expat dream. Which also makes it just a teeny bit suspect of being a dodgy international scam, of which there are many.
Still, I would be concerned even if this were actually a legit above-board opportunity, that you could be detained in whatever country for years? if they decide to This is a very real threat going forward and should be factored in.
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Japan is pretty top notch in the world of expatting. It's like being posted to Vienna or Singapore or Geneva. First rate stuff. Which again makes me question the verity of this seeming golden opportunity.
It's fine, internet talk can usually sound berating haha.
And I'd say the position(s) are legit, as it's from that company that made the Playstation. So I highly doubt I would get detained unless there is a big fat scandal involving the company.
But I personally (and prolly naively) think the risk of getting detained outweighs the risk of living abroad, if only for the experience alone.