You can say that petitions don't work. But guess what? the goal isn't to try to cancel it since that's probably not going to happen. The goal is to show HOW MANY people want it cancelled. When Japanese people made the petition to cancel assassin's creed, they knew it wouldn't be cancelled but they did it anyways just to let the world know how many of them were unhappy with it .
Actually this can apply to any woke shit we want cancelled
It isn't just because they suck at games. Its because hard games like Souls games require people to learn pattern recognizing skills and the kryptonite for leftists is people being able to catch on to leftist bullshit , with their pattern recognizing skills.
If you want to know anything about this guy. He's ethnic Japanese but he was raised in America. When he was younger he got bullied by Japanese people for being American so he hates Japan as a result of that, . Yet he likes to act like he's the spokesperson for all Japanese people on English youtube. . He's pro lgbt and pro diversity and anti racist, . He's married to a Chinese woman whose family hates Japan but likes him, and he gets promoted by the youtube algorithm his videos always get millions of views, meaning he's probably funded by some big agency just like the other big youtubers. . He said he wanted to leave Japan, but still ended up staying there anyways .
And apparently because of this faggot acting like he's a spokesperson for all Japanese people and spreading rumors about how Japanese people accept Yasuke as a samurai, , there's now cases of Japanese people who get accused of "being a White racist using google translate" for speaking out against Ubisoft's assassin's creed https://files.catbox.moe/5cuu43.png