I’m generally curious what you all think about the “R2R” movement, because as a whole, it's great imo and Louis Rossmann, who’s the most recognizable face of it, is someone who I wish was more well known to the general public, but as a whole, what it aims to do is make it so that you're able to fix the things you purchase, rather than be “encouraged” by the company to purchase a new one, and in general, has become a question of “do you own your device/car/tractor/etc., or does the company” in terms of how much you're allowed to do with what you own.

People who farm have had to deal with John Deere locking down their tools so only licensed dealers can work on them effectively and have had to resort to jailbreaking their tractors on occasion, Apple and other Big Tech names have made their electronics harder to repair over the years, serializing and pairing parts to motherboards so they don't work even if you swap between two of the same part between two of the same brand new phone, it's a whole mess in and of itself, but the general conclusion that’s been agreed on is that only two things can really change this:

  1. Government regulations preventing all the nonsense like serialization/pairing, making manufacturers/OEMs have to provide parts and schematics.

  2. Society actually puts pressure on said companies by not buying those harder to repair products, which is pretty fucking hard, considering what society we live in, illustrated in this video.

Most R2R activists think that number 1 is way more likely to happen, and have been doing that, getting R2R laws passed in almost 20 states so far, but I'm just wondering if anyone has any issues with having to use the government to make companies less shitty when it comes to actually owning the device you purchase, or not.


Louis Rossmann made a video on it, and something that came to mind while I was watching it was that while regulation can in fact be abused, I think some regulation has to be in place because a company that can charge whatever it wants for a car doing this just for the sake of control is awful. Do we really own the things we buy, or do the corporations?

I know in the EU, they have a lot more laws/regulations about warranties and other R2R shit, I just want to be able to fix the shit I own by myself without the company hindering me from doing so because they want to treat me like a leasee while charging me purchase prices.

Edit: Starting in South Korea, but very concerned that it could be brought here considering horse armor started the gaming industry’s bullshit.



Basically the accountant is being a fuckhead about the company paying for commutes, so the person responds in kind.

This is in Canada, so I hear about how the 407 is private and charges out of the ass for convenience, albeit convenience that’s worth it, but the reason it’s private seems to suck, and the reason it’s so expensive now is due to Ontario not limiting the price hike and so the company that owns the 407 now is free to charge whatever for the next 75 years.

What do you guys think of private toll roads and highways? I get that a lot of people here might not like public roads and taxes, but I’d rather not have to pay that much for a highway trip, no matter what.


Main reason I ask is because Chillindude, a prominent member of the competitive Melee community had a stroke recently and as he’s relatively healthy and works out often, he doesn’t have health insurance, and even though he’s sponsored by Team Liquid, one of the largest e-sports teams out there, because he is classified as an independent contractor, he doesn’t have health insurance through them.

The way he got the stroke was through an infection in his knee that he got misdiagnosed twice, and the hospital was going to throw him out even because he’s been stabilized, but doesn’t have coverage, which to me is actual BS but I’m honestly curious as to why this would be the case, considering strokes need so much recovery done for them.

Situations like this is part of why I couldn’t write my own thing for the ideal society post I made the other day, because I have no clue how healthcare should be handled. I do know however that portions of why healthcare is so expensive is due to the companies that make the equipment being anti-“Right to Repair” and the actual repair costs of the equipment being outrageous (Louis Rossmann made that a video months ago and I can’t find it), but still, this whole situation is really outrageous to me, that the hospital was going to throw him out after he stabilized due to a lack of proper coverage, and that stroke recovery as a whole is as expensive as it is in the US. I’d love to hear from our European people if it’s really any better there or am I being lied to, but still, idk what the solution really is.

Edit: I’m in the US, so this is pretty important for me to know.


The thought comes to mind because at some point this bullshit has to end, either with the collapse of society or the start of something new, and well, I'm genuinely curious at what everyone’s idea end state is, if you had the power to make your ideal society happen instantly, what would it look like?

I'm especially interested in the opinions of those who don't really like minorities, as well as our resident “woman hater”, but anyone and everyone’s free to reply. I'll edit mine into this post later, I gotta go back to work.


It’s been almost a week since I got back, but I totally forgot to post how it went, but damn I have a lot to say.

First, holy fuck I didn’t realize Genshin Impact was as popular as it is. By far the game/series that had the most amount of cosplayers was Genshin Impact, and the most popular cosplay by far for Genshin was Raiden Shogun. For a gacha game, especially one made in China, I didn’t think it would have the fanbase that it does, but it does, and I bit the bullet and started playing it on Monday. The game’s pretty fun imo, but it’s honestly up to you how you wanna do it.

Anyways, I got there on Thursday, settled into the Airbnb I was staying in with friends, then I found parking. For any convention at the GWCC, unless it’s full, park in the Red Deck, it’ll save you so much time walking, as you can access all three buildings the GWCC has from the Red Deck by using the walkway on the 7th floor.

Thursday I mainly did Karaoke and took pictures with cosplayers, but that was pretty damn fun. The whole setup for the convention was cool, it was all 4 floors of building B, with the first floor being autographs, the vendor hall, and all the e-sports stuff, and the other 3 floors were for panels. Friday I just went around to a bunch of panels, there were a few woke panels, I just didn’t go to them, but I did go to karaoke and a “cosplaying on a budget” panel.

Saturday was the start of Smash, didn’t do well, but I’m taking a break from Smash anyways, waiting on a new controller, but after that, I didn’t really feel like doing much, so I took a ton of pictures, bought a few shirts and then went to karaoke, before I found out about a party going on at a nightclub that night, and holy fuck was it fun.

Got there, it opened at 10, but it started slow AF, and people didn’t really fill it up until 11:30, but once people started going at it, I had tons of fun. I have no clue if they were employees at the nightclub, but they had a Raven, a Catwoman, a mummified Anhka and some random kitsune cosplayer (couldn’t tell who they were dressed up ass) rotate being on stage and showing off, but that was fun as hell. The rave ended at a solid 3 in the morning, and I went straight back to that Airbnb because I wanted to enjoy Momocon before it ended at 5 on Sunday.

On Sunday I didn’t do much, I mainly just walked around, took more pictures with cosplayers (which I should probably specify, there were so many from Genshin, so many people just wearing UA’s PE uniform from My Hero Academia, a ton of black guys being lazy and just wearing Akatsuki cloaks, a bunch of Mitsuru from Demon Slayer, a ton of Miruko, I’d say about 25-30 percent of the people there were cosplaying, which I definitely need to do.

Anyway, the last thing I went to was a panel explaining what Genshin Impact is and what the world’s about, which is why I started playing it on Monday. Very fun weekend, and I might go to more cons, it just depends on location, if there’s a Smash or FGC major as well as the panels, as I spent way too much time listening and doing karaoke last weekend.


Honestly, the biggest reason I’m going is because of the Smash tournament, but as I don’t just wanna hole myself up in a hotel on Thursday and Friday, I actually wanna enjoy myself some so I did find stuff I wanna do, but outside of that, what experience do you guys have with conventions?

Are there actually after parties late at night where people hook up? How much leftist BS should I be equipped to handle? How much water should I bring? I just have a lot of questions and not enough answers, because I wanna have a very good weekend, but idk what I should be prepared for.

Edit: It’s Momocon in Atlanta.


The reason this comes up is because I was reading Imp1 comments and replies to them and he’s mentioned multiple times before that he believes that the actual answer to a lot of this is making artificial wombs so that you can cut out women from making kids and relationships with women have to be about something else. That would mean that since women can't use their wombs as a bargaining tool, their intellect and personalities have to be what keeps a man interested, at least imo, and I can see why it would appeal to him, but are they even reasonable?

I haven't done the research myself and thought it would be more fun to have a discussion over it, but still, I’m just curious as to how the tech works if at all. I've seen things where the tech is being “suppressed” (hidden from the public like a lot of current tech we use today was during the Cold War, ala the internet), but is that true, or not? It's just genuinely an interesting topic to me.


In the United States, thirteen states — Arkansas, Idaho, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota, Oklahoma,[1] South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas,[2] Utah, and Wyoming[3] have trigger laws that would automatically ban abortion in the first and second trimesters if the landmark case Roe v. Wade were overturned.[4][5][6] Illinois formerly had a trigger law (enacted in 1975), but repealed it in 2017.[7][8][9] Also, nine states — Alabama, Arizona, Michigan, West Virginia, and Wisconsin as well as the already mentioned Arkansas, Mississippi, Oklahoma, and Texas, still have their unenforced pre-Roe v. Wade abortion bans on the law books. Those laws are not currently enforceable due to Roe v. Wade, but could be enforced if Roe v. Wade was overturned.[5]

The one thing I do have to ask is if these 18 states do end up banning abortion, are we going to see women traveling interstate in order to get abortions? What exactly is going to happen? For the ones here who have a problem with black people, if Roe v Wade never happened, do you think the country would have been able to handle having double the amount of black people it’s had since RvW, or no? It’s all rather interesting to me.


“Ahhh gotta love the Right. Elon looks like he's actually about to succeed at the thing we all cheered him for a week ago and half this thread is turning on him and calling him part of the enemy for actually not being stopped by said enemy. No wonder the Right can never manage to actually take any real ground or deal any real blows to the enemy. Even actually trying is considered evidence of being a turncoat.”



For my hobbies, I actually found the subreddits for those aren’t total cesspools, but outside of those, I glance through r/assholedesign and r/ABoringDystopia, just to see how pervasive ads are in our daily lives and goddamn data collection is terrible. I stopped with politics ages ago, but until my account gets banned, I’m gonna use it.


If you didn't see my post about this a few months ago, here it is.

What happened after that incident is that the day after, mom said she had to go to New York because my stepdad needs surgery up there, so basically nothing happened, because i had to stay with my little brother for a month and take him to school, but mom and stepdad came back on the 15th, and they said nothing about the booster until a few days ago, after the news started pushing this Omicron or whatever bullshit variant this is. Right now, I'm not in a position to where i can do what i did and literally refuse to take the booster, because she wants to be in the doctor's office with me as they inject me, and I'm really fucking worried that I'm gonna get heart problems. i had to get vaxxed back in February, but now, I'm just really fucking worried. I'm gonna document things for the next two weeks and keep y'all posted, and hopefully nothing happens.


I’m a 21 year old who was formerly in college and is now working full time because of a combination of circumstances, grades, grandma having a stroke and a bunch of other shit.

Anyway, I don’t want to take the damn booster, and mom is literally making me walk home because she doesn’t wanna be in the same car as me (warning sign I should’ve noticed a while ago, as she threatened to kick me out if I didn’t take the Pfizer jabs), and now I think I’m gonna get kicked out of my house.

Right now I don’t have much to my name, if anything at all (except about 1k worth of Yugioh cards) and I also have debt because of me being an idiot with other shit, but I’m on the way to paying the debt off. If I do get kicked out, what should I do first? Right now I’m trying to see if any of my friends could take me in, and I’d be able to pay rent if they’d charge, but it just feels like hell, knowing my mom is a Branch Covidian, even though she’s an RN.


Saw a comment on a banking thread that said that Quantum Computing will kill crypto, I assume because it would be able to edit the blockchain and thus killing the entire point of bitcoin, but how exactly would it do this? How does it work and why does it mean all current encryption would become useless?


For me that’s RWBY. By god I loved V1-V6, and I was completely expecting how V6 ended, because I knew they listened to shippers way too much, but the Vic stuff just made me fall out of love with it instantly. It also helped that I started getting deep into the FGC and esports at that time, so learning how to play fighting games took a bunch of time that I used to spend watching other things and I put that into something more interactive.

This came up because I started listening to a bunch of older RWBY music, realized how old RWBY is and how long it’s been since I watched an episode. Not gonna watch one of course, but it’s just something that came to my mind recently, and god damn, if I win the lottery, I know exactly what I would do with the money.

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