I swear I don't want to fedpost. But EVERY.SINGLE.FUCKING.DAY. I see something that enrages me. To the leftists talking about all their empathey while wanting us to choke on their flu pandemic. To the faggot mafia singing that they are coming for our children. This shit isnt a joke anymore. I WILL NOT let them come for my little girls. But every day TPTB work against us to the point where nobody can organize peacefully, let alone fight back. I kibda feel helpless and full of rage at how fast this shit has happened. I just don't know how to vent.


I'm a huge metal fan, mostly death but I will dabble in black, thrash, prog, etc. I was listening to one of the albums Dave made after his arm was fixed and he got saved and the lyrics to this are especially poignant. I want to say this was like 2006 but 15 years on it is quite eerie.


Lyrics: The quiet war has begun with silent weapons

And the new slavery is to keep the people

Poor and stupid; "Novus Ordo Seclorum"

How can there be any logic in biological war?

We all know this is wrong, but the New World Order's

Beating down the door

Oh, something needs to be done

There was a king (an evil king), who dreamt the wickedest of dreams

An ancient mystery no prophet could interpret

Of seven years of famine; the wolf is at my door

As predicted years ago: that that was, that is, that is no more

The word predicts the future and tells the truth about the past

Of how the world leaders will hail the new Pharaoh

The eighth false king to the throne

Washington is next!

Disengage their minds, sabotage their health

Promote sex, and war, and violence in the kindergartens

Blame the parents and teachers; it's their fault; "Annuit Coeptis"

Attack the church dynamic, attack the family

Keep the public undisciplined till nothing left is sacred, and

The "have-nots" get hooked and have to go to the "haves" just to cop a fix

I am the king (an evil king), who dreams the wickedest of dreams

An ancient mystery, nobody could interpret

Of seven empires falling; the wolf is at my door

As predicted years ago: that that was, that is, that is no more

The word predicts my future and tells the truth about my past

Of how the world's leaders are waiting to usher in

The eighth world power of modern Rome Washington is next!

There was a king (an evil king), who dreamt the wickedest of dreams

An ancient mystery, no prophet could interpret

Of seven empires falling; the wolf is at my door

As predicted years ago: that that was, that is, that is no more

I am a king, and I dream the wildest dreams And nobody could interpret

Seven empires falling; the wolf is at my door

Oh, that that was, that is, that is no more

There's something at my door, some ancient mystery

The future tells the truth about the past

And I'm the eighth false king to the throne

I've got you in my cross hairs; now, ain't that a bitch?

Washington, you're next!


Recently my daughters have been big on wanting to watch the Pirates films. For the most part rewatching them I haven't seen anything to egregious. Then we watched On Stranger Tides. Now I haven't seen this movie since I half watched it with my old college gf when it came out. Even then I remember feeling the movie was biased against Christianity. Specifically the feckless missionary who doesn't have any balls.

I digress. Even back then and now seeing it again I think the twist with the Spanish Catholics is great. Maybe I am biased since I'm Catholic. But the way they just destroy all the pagan shit while all the British and pirates are confused is great. "Only God can grant eternal life, not this pagan water. Men destroy this profane temple". I remember reading reviews back then considering the Spanish villains. Now I see them as heroes.

It's a shit movie, but unintentionally based.

For those interested



Look at the morons of Reddit for example on places like AHS and Parler Watch. We get kicked off the platform or leave voluntarily and they FOLLOW US HERE. Like why? You won, you have Reddit to yourselves, why not leave us alone?

You see the same discussion happen when talks of secession or "peaceful divorce" come up. They constantly shit on red states and say we're "all poor and gonna starve and be a 3rd world country without DC, NY and CA footing the bill". It's as if they are saying "there's the door". So we try and leave and they say "wait no you can't do that".

So what is it? Is it they know deep down it's a lie and red states/people are not dumb and weak? Is it some pathological need to have a "bad guy" ("I dont wanna kill you, what would i do without you? You complete me)? Or is it as simple as they really do want us all dead and when we are gone they will cannibalize each other and finally themselves?


We see the same thing all the time. "blah blah blah marginalized group doesn't have representation blah blah blah make more race and gender bending comics". They just wanna take what's popular, change it to their definition or "headcanon" and go about their business.

I'm gonna come up with a story all on my own. A housewife crashlands on a planet while on a cruise with her children on an interstellar trip to see her Federation Colonel husband. She crashes and is lost. Hurt and confused, but her children crash landed too, she tries to radio her husband for help but nothing, despite little training or resources she is determined to save her children.

There, a trad story with woman empowerment that feels natural. Wasn't fucking hard at all and took me 5 minutes. I know crashlanding stories are played out but at the rate hollywood is producing remakes I do not care.

But they do not want their own stories. They want OURS. The Force is female. The NFL is lesbian. They do not even care about the things we like or even want their own stories. They want what we like destroyed.


Lately I have been seeing a lot of shit about Biden calling Putin a "killer". My thinking is like "okay, the guy was in the KGB, he likely has been involved in killing in some way". Why is this a "gotcha?". Guess what, I have killed. If that makes me a killer, then so be it. I'm not a murderer, just a former artillery officer. I don't fool myself into believing the 155s we fired were actually filled with gummy bears. Is this some woman bullshit? That killing is the ultimate evil but for them the ultimate good as long as it is an unwanted baby or somebody who donated to FOX news? I do not really have a point, other than this is just more bullshit.

Lately I have been seeing a lot of shit about Biden calling Putin a "killer". My thinking is like "okay, the guy was in the KGB, he likely has been involved in killing in some way". Why is this a "gotcha?". Guess what, I have killed. If that makes me a killer, then so be it. I'm not a murderer, just a former artillery officer. I don't fool myself into believing the 155s we fired were actually filled with gummy bears. Is this some woman bullshit? That killing is the ultimate evil but for them the ultimate good as long as it is an unwanted baby or somebody who donated to FOX news? I do not really have a point, other than this is just more bullshit.

TheImpossible1 (media.kotakuinaction2.win)
posted ago by meowmeow85 ago by meowmeow85
Fukken kek (media.kotakuinaction2.win)
posted ago by meowmeow85 ago by meowmeow85

Khorne: Cancel culture, they demand blood. They don't actually care where the blood flows from, could be their own side, only that it flows. Blind hatred lashing about with no rhyme or reason.

Tzeentch: Hypocrisy, they dont even know their own arguments. Take white genocide as an example. Point out declining white birth rates and unfettered immigration and they call you a conspiracy theorist. When they point out the same thing it's "White people may become a thing of the past and why that's a good thing". When you point out their own examples they go back to calling you a nazi conspiracy theorist.

Nurgle: Disease, and not just physical. They embody all the most unhealthy traits someone can. They embrace HAES and are all about spreading drugs. And we must not forget the trivialization and celebration of mental illness.

Slaanesh: Self explanatory

Malal: Self destruction. At the end of the day cultural marxism and intersectionality is all self destruction and suicide. Once they run out of enemies they turn on their own. Once they are out of their own they turn on themselves until it is nothing but a hanging corpse dripping feces from their dilation wound in a pair of transgender flag socks.

P.S. Any of you dorks wanna aktually me about including Malal/Malice go take it up with GW kek


I'm sure you have all noticed this from various comment boards to Reddit and 4chan. "I'm a Christian but (communist bullshit)" or "I was a Republican but (more communist bullshit)". It never turns out well, the atheists will still say youre an idiot as will progressives. Why placate them? Why does nobody stand up for their beliefs? Are we that scared of cancel culture or are we just that scared of possibly offending someone? Who will be the first to say, "This is what I think. Dont like it? Tough titties, now get out of my way".


"How did it come to this?"

As was once said by King Theoden. I remember seeing those movies when I was a kid,17 or 18 I think. A simpler time, I loved going to movies. My pops would take my brothers and I almost every time my mother and sister were on the warpath from Aunt Flo visiting. Kek, can't even make that joke anymore. I sit here and think of simpler times and how much I fucked up.

When gamergate first started I didn't give a shit. Like "who fucking cares about some girl getting her ass censored?", I said freshly out of college (well plus a year moving back in with my parent from the collapse and Obama). Little did I know how slowly it starts.

I used to laugh at my dad despite him probably being my best friend, mentor, and guide now. He would bring up Hannity or Bill O'Reilly talking about the culture war. Even my mother back in the 90s warned me how the gay agenda was a real thing and once the slippery slope starts you can't stop it. Laughed at her too.

I'm 35 now. Got my daughters from their Baptist school since that's where we decided to send them during the Sweet and Sour Sickness. My wife, the most oblivious person in the world (with such great blonde classics as "its so sad that Ray Charles died before he got to see his movie"), even is saying "hey, these people are fucking lying" at the news.

In the past 10 years I don't think I have changed much. But a few months ago I saw a post from a friend of a friend saying "(username) is a fucking fash, i wish he would have died back when he was sick". This hit me for some reason even though I haven't spoken to said person in 5 years. Wasn't even close to begin with. At times I want to go all "SIR" on them. "You guys wanna see a fascist, I'll show you a fucking fascist".

That last part wasn't a joke. I don't trust anything I read anymore. I'm scared for my daughter's future. My wife's future. I can take care of myself, that has never been a problem, but when you have a family it just complicates things. I see this dystopian nightmare unfolding right before my eyes with the passport and the news lying to us constantly to get what they want. I feel lost. This is accelerating at such a pace with the news changing their opinions on the fly with the rona even average dumbasses see it. Like the hockey stick graph, where it spikes so large you can't ignore it. Still, the majority are swayed by fear.

Of course it all comes back to the culture war. I feel it's lost. Between the election upset and the rona it was the perfect storm for the communist left to go wild. Trannies teaching our children. Trannies and fags in their cartoons. Equity above all else. If you see something, say something.

I digress. This is why I don't like KiA1. This is so much more than just video games. Their sole focus on that will be their downfall. You know how "the political is personal" changed into "the personal is political" by the prog left? Your ENTIRE BEING is political to them. Everything you think, say, do, buy, support.

The fact that you all are here and the other dot win communities gives me hope. At least I feel like I'm not the only looking at his zombie friends, rehearsing talking points and consooming Fortnite, screaming "DO YOU NOT SEE SOMETHING IS WRONG?".


I know there was a lot of support on the populist right, even some on the left, to see Snowden and Assange as well as others pardoned when Trump left. Under normal circumstances I think Trump with his devil may care attitude would do it. I'm beginning to wonder if top leaders such as Mitch the bitch threatened him with impeachment passing so he could never run again and possibly lose his secret service detail which would be dangerous with as many leftists who want him dead. Or the powers that be could have given even bigger threats. This is just my mind rambling but does anyone else think it's possible or am I just a crazy conspiracy theorist?


https://www.reddit.com/r/AgainstHateSubreddits/comments/kz68f3/protrump_discussion_board_the_donald_faces/?sort=top Ok first of all I'm calling bullshit that TDW has "run out of control" especially with "antisemitism" since this is the MIGA crowd we're talking about. Seems no matter where we go commie media and AHS pedo faggots will follow us to make sure we aren't using any free speech or wrongthink. I really hate these bastards, i really do. So if they come for TDW they're eventually gonna come for all win communities right?

Reaper or Big Tech? (media.kotakuinaction2.win)
posted ago by meowmeow85 ago by meowmeow85
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