To completely sidestep gender identity laws, why not have bathroom facilities based upon dick or no dick?

Have a dick? You must use this room to piss or change.

Do not have a dick? You must use this room to piss or change.

100% just boil it down to cock or no cock. I expect having it based upon anatomical reality of one specific organ can't be construed as denying gender identity. It's just cut and dry anatomy standards.


Caveat: Many people don't know they're part of this because they're simply listening to the talking heads they trust.

Essentially, there is a Christian cult and it's goal requires Israel. Israel, of course, wants to continue to exist. As do Jewish people. So of course, they're going to work hand in glove. The people who are against "Christ is king"? The people who want to keep forcing the point that "The Jewish were and still are god's chosen people"?

It all stems from the cult of the red heifer. It is the belief among some Christians that the Jewish temple in Israel must be rebuilt before the end of the world can happen. That if Israel falls. That if Jewish people are scattered beyond recovery. If those things happen? God will abandon us and our proper end will never happen.

The Jewish people who are part of this cult of the red heifer, they believe that the final temple will result in the true messiah appearing on earth.

3 conditions must be satisfied.

1.) An unblemished, never worked, perfectly red furred cow must be born and ritualistically sacrificed.

2.) The ashes must be used on workers, so that the final temple of Israel can be rebuilt.

3.) The completed temple must then host the most sacred forms of worship. The messiah/end times can then come.

So you have Christians who are convinced they need the Jewish people to bring about eternal peace and happiness on earth. You have Jews that just want to be benefactors of this in the form of protection, support, etc, and then you have the jews who believe that it'll result in the true messiah.

These people are VERY prevalent among the NeoCon conservatives and bluedog democrats. This is also, not surprisingly, why they fear populists so much. On both sides. Populists aren't going to defend Israel.

So there you go. That's why some of our Christian NeoCons are so balls deep and all in for Israel. And because waiting for a red cow is so fucking absurd, and being part of "I want the world to end in my lifetime" cults is weird, they'll never admit to this.


"Incel" "Misogynists" "American Anti-Semites" "GamerGate" "Glowing Fed-operation "racist" group." "The mentally ill ex solider" "Right wing extremism terrorists"

Confirmed gang related homicides in 2022 were around 3,000 people. Even if you conglomerate all the right wing terrorist attacks between 2008 and 2016, The Nation Institute study, you come up with 79 deaths. Average that out to per-year, you get 9.875. (btw, 90 separate deaths came from Islamic terrorism. Bigger threat!)

0.3% of the yearly homocides are "XYZ-online-extremists" compared to gang homicides. Number gets even lower, in the thousandths range, if you actually do the entire homicide rate. ten-thousandths if you include suicides.

Honestly, I think the biggest mistake people make when dealing with these ideologues is believing that any of it comes from any kind of intellectual honesty or an intellectual thought process. It's feelings, all the way down.

It strikes me as absolutely insane that we have so much resistance to mandatory sentencing guidelines, three strike rules, re-education for certain types of people with noted criminal histories, etc, and yet these fucks are suggesting that shitposting on twitter should come with more consequences for your future than punching someone in the face.

Edit: fixed math. Was drunk.


Been seeing a lot of autism-related posts lately. I figured I'd chime in to spell out what's going on. From the perspective of a sperg.

The radical left would never have power or clout for their issues if they only raised money and protested about the singular issues they actually care about. There isn't actually all that much interest in turning the country into China "done right this time" for example. Not a whole lot of interest in making all kids into genderless unicorns, either.

The radical left has done something like World of Warcraft's horde. They look for people neglected, aggrieved, pissed off, and they try to hoop those people in. They do it with promises of support, change and representation. Intersectionality itself is just a promise that the more "reasons" you have to be pissed off, the more clout and power you have in this arena.

Look at the Black population. I'll relate this back to autism in a minute. Do we have playing with acceptable terminology? Yes. Do have have "scientific research" designed to quantify victimhood? Yes. Do we have a shell game going on with how it's acceptable to talk about these things to landmine the normies and keep them out of the discussion? Yes. Do we see lionizing of bad or self destructive behavior as a virtue? Yes. Did it get added to the war-banner of the progress -- the pride flag, despite not at all being part of sexuality or gender? Yup! Destroyed elements of gatekeeping so fat feminist Marxists could become leaders? Yup.

Guess what? All this is going on with Autism. On a similar timescale to how Black was co-opted.

Main grievances: Actually get killed by the police more often than any other protected class. 85% unemployment rate but not explicitly protected from workplace discrimination the same way a physical disability is. ( So you're toast if the office ladies find you "creepy." ) Remaining 15%? Only a quarter are full time and without government programs designed to keep them in a job. Other 75% of working autistics need a support program like a job coach or subsidized wages. Communicative autistics with aspergers automatically deemed ineligible for support benefits because asperger's diagnosis included a level 1 support requirement instead of 2 or 3.

How the left co-opted us: Deleted the aspergers diagnosis. Now all forms of autism are a "spectrum" and the government has to assess support level needs. Enables our worst behaviors. Speaks against attempt to screen for, treat or cure the disability. Promised us future help for seeking government assistance.

Re: Promoting autism as positive: Just look up autism and neurodivergent or neurospicy on tiktok. It's disgusting. You just have hundreds of young teen girls presenting themselves as autistic like mental health blackface. None of us exhibit the symptoms of all 4 domains AND have the wherewithal to also turn on a camera and ham it up. This growing community is adamant that autistics shouldn't be helped. This creates further victimhood for the purposes of trapping us on the leftist progressive plantation.

Re:Terminology -- Aspergers is being deleted as an acceptable term. They've turned him into a Nazi despite him being more like Oskar Schindler. Dude straight up saved as many autistics as he could from being gassed. They've recharacterized him as being a true-believer of Nazi-ism instead of realizing the dude had to fit in to have clout to save these people in a time when being the wrong ethnicity alone was reason enough. The USA has retired the diagnosis as of the latest DISM. The WHO already retired it from the IDC. There is now no health manual left that still allows for this diagnosis. Now that term and many terms around mental disability are socially taboo to speak despite the fact that it was just very useful to describe someone as having aspergers as opposed to autistic. When someone says autistic, you don't know what to expect. Headbutting, shit flinging, screaming, or just somebody with very specific knowledge, skills, and a poor social aptitude. Thanks leftists!

Re: Statistics -- I just demonstrated some of that activist research already in motion. They also have a lot of big ESG companies coming out and making statements about how much more productive their autistic workers are compared to normal people.

Re: Normies -- These terms like Neurotypical and Neurodivergent, not being allowed to just straight say autistic vs normal thinking and behavior. Same way they're trying to turn normal people into "Cis" when it comes to gender. This is to gatekeep you out and to also trick people into self-flagging as not progressive so they can be excluded and isolated.

Re: Prideflag -- Yes, there are now revisions that include autism being floated. You think they're a joke until it isn't. Just like we had thought the BLM prideflag was a joke.

Re: Infilitration -- Yup. There is a huge push to say that women have autism just as much as men. So feminist marxist women can take over the space. They're already doing a great job of this on tiktok and marginalize male voices. They also did this on reddit's two largest autism subs and have gotten a bunch of feminist "autistic" mods in charge of them. Aspergers is frowned upon and if spoken of in certain contexts, you're banned. If you forcefully voice your desire for a cure, you get shamed into oblivion. The aspergers subreddit itself keeps getting flagged NSFW due to reporting brigades, so you can't google scrape it and so you can't view it without logging in or using the old.reddit trick.

Regarding women having autism as much as men. They don't. It's a gendered condition. Genetic safeguards are more heavily present on the X sex chromosome and that is just enough to tip it towards being a majority male disease. Just like dementia and MS is a majority female disease or how parkinson's and ALS are masculine diseases. They justify this very large undiagnosed population with "women are better at masking their symptoms!" Okay, masking is real, but if you are hiding your symptoms well enough to be socially acceptable and lauded, and the men aren't, you are not clinically fit to represent all those who are incapable of doing so or speak for them.

We've all seen the statistics though. The left has convinced women as a whole to be needing of drugs and diagnosis for everything to explain general unhappiness. Which isn't their fault or inherent to their gender -- I'm not imp. I realize they've been manipulated and pandered to by the left.

All I really wanted as an autistic person was for our support needs to be assessed individually instead of being lumped into vocal or not vocal by the US government. Instead, I got my diagnosis deleted by commies and here we are. I got no voice. Run out of my own condition by narcissistic malingering feminist Marxists that want to have more foot soldiers for their political manipulation game.


When you just @ the official company account, you're putting your complaints on the desk of the very people that hate you and will try to hide your feedback from executives, investors and owners as long as possible. Break the chain of command. Go beyond the pink/blue hair joke of a person who is running the public face of the company. Wake up the owners before they are in a no-win situation.


Here's the thing people absolutely need to understand.

Investors and owners are not as woke as you think they are. They're just getting put into no-win situations while they're still "normies" and the sunk cost fallacy keeps them in line.

The most popular degree for HR and Community manager jobs? Communications degrees. What are the most popular classes for communications degrees? Grievance studies in the forms of feminist studies and racial studies.

What do most discrimination lawsuit settlements require of big corporations? The founding and staffing of giant HR departments at the corporate level, and at franchise locations. What does HR take over to justify their paychecks? Hiring.

This is why company after company is hollowed out and turned into a skin suit. Even Bass fucking pro settled a lawsuit in 2017 that requires them to put uninterested and unqualified sales people into sections of the store that they know jack-fucking-shit about. https://www.business-humanrights.org/en/latest-news/usa-bass-pro-shops-settle-lawsuit-over-alleged-discrimination-against-minorities-in-its-hiring-practices-for-105-million/

( I really don't think it is discriminatory to avoid hiring people that can't answer the question "how do I gut a fish" and "How do I gut a deer?" I absolutely don't fault an outdoor company for the fact that women and urban minorities are far, far less likely to know these things. )

So what happens when you get a bud light situation?

You get a C level crisis, and owners and investors, and they all look to the HR and community managers for answers. What smug answer do they offer? "Well, if you disavow what I did, you'll lose the remaining [liberal] customer base... You will also open yourself up to lawsuits [filed in areas with activists judges]. You wont get back the conservative customer base."

Solution: Use situations like the current ones to put existing HR and existing community managers under scrutiny. @tagging call of duty and bud light is fine, but you know what's better? Get the CEO / investors aware and paranoid BEFORE the HR/Community reps get them into a no-win situation.

If you're going to bother sending emails and doing @ on twitter, you need to find out who owns or invests in various companies. You need to @ them and say, "Hey look, keep a tighter leash on your community managers. Look what just happened to your CoD/Beer product. Maybe make sure your OTHER community managers on your other games/beverages can pass a company-first test, so that you can be sure they aren't holding the job at your company for self-empowerment instead of shareholders and customer's needs."


Family members of mine are in tech, and do work that is in the 2xx,xxx range. One's based, one's semi-based. Both have had low levels of attention to their profiles on the regular but nothing outstanding given that the niche they both occupy is in demand and there isn't a lot of people to fill these seats. They both happen to be white people. One male, one female.

Linkedin has learning partnerships in a program called linkedin learning. Based person was doing some of these... got no real increase in attention. Out of bordem, my based family member completed their diversity training ESG/DIE program on linkedin.

Within 6 hours, literally, she had 8 people from 8 different companies reach out to her and ask her if she was looking for work. The next day, she had another 10 messages. Clearly, completing the humiliation ritual did something to the algorithm to give her top placement in searches.

Based told Semi-based. Semi-based family member completed it, but is male. Still suddenly went from getting no random messages to having 5 in his inbox after 12 hours.

What I'm saying is, play the game if you're desperate but be aware there's a fookin game afoot. I doubt, I severely doubt, anybody who is a recruiter put the ESG linkedin learning diversity bullshit as a requirement in their canvasing searches. But here we go, the company is putting their thumb on the scale for progressivism.

Progressives want you broke, homeless and starving.

(Maybe the boost in interaction is designed to be like a cult's "love bomb" to encourage engagement with wokeshit.)