I remember during some round of western games having ugly faces that look nothing like the actress they are based on discussion that someone linked a comparison between the japanese or korean (i forget what exactly) actress and the model and the model looked kinda like a racist caricature than a human


I managed to download the mod that increases the pitch on sironas voice before they took it down but there are probably other mods that i'm missing out on that remove the bullcrap

(also interesting note: sirona is voiced by a man in only the english and apparently the german dub and is voiced by women in every other support language (so spanish french italian japanese portuguese) and the man voice is quite literally the only thing in the entire game that "says" that sirona is "trans" so other languages have no clue that sirona has a high chance to game end themselves)


so in "the power of the powerless" havel writes of a greengrocer that displays the party posters and messages "workers of the world unite!"

the greengrocer does not believe any of it yet displays the signs and slogans anyway because in not doing so he might be seen as a dissenter and taken away to the gulags or worse

"They must live within a lie. They need not accept the lie. It is enough for them to have accepted their life with it and in it. For by this very fact, individuals confirm the system, fulfill the system, make the system, are the system."

how much woke shit in films and games and other media can be attributed to people scared of the woke such as the greengrocer was of the party?