Has anyone noticed that when it comes to abortion all the feminists are jumping to the my body my chose thing, but when it comes to circumcision the feminists are all over it calling it child abuse and being vehemently angry?


On CNN tonight they were talking about protest being quote on quote "peaceful", and had a guy come on saying cops bad. After that, Anderson Cooper came on and then talked about how a Trump rally could be a "super spreader". I'm having enough of this shit from the MSM and I'm sick of the lies.


I saw that Kamala "Cameltoe" Harris doesn't trust Trump coming out with a vaccine before the election. This is more than enough proof that this pandemic is politicized.


I swear, everywhere people will think your a bigoted racist or some shit just because your conservative. Where the hell does this mindset come from?

Anyone else see this Sarah Cooper girl on Youtube and TikTok, and get super pissed off? She just takes clips from Trump and lip syncs them to make him seem like an idiot. I just want to punch her smug face, and tell her to stop being a dumbass.