diogenesOTarch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Aww, you don't remember the Norwegian Zerg Snute? He started just as WOL was released. Never a GSL quality player, but he was always in that stable of "foreigners" that would compete in the region locked tournaments.


diogenesOTarch -1 points ago +1 / -2

This suggests that people who don't "ask" are not interested.

Interested enough they might look it up for themselves.

some very slight standards

And that's after filtering out 95% of the stuff not worthy of PDW anyway.

That is false.

Don't fucking gaslight me. Give me at least the credit of simple enough pattern recognition to know what's going on. I even know exactly which communities the griefers are and aren't subbed to.

You can't simultaneously argue

Cost benefit analysis. Is it worth me spending, even a short amount, of time on every single post or could that time be better spent bringing back even more content?

diogenesOTarch -7 points ago +2 / -9

People ask for sauce about 10% of the time. If I had to go out and hunt it up for every single one 90% of that effort would be wasted.

And that's after it meets my own criteria. If it looks dodgy I'll take the initiative to hunt it down before posting, or, if it's a not verifiable, not post or flair as shitpost. What gets asked for after that seems totally random.

And that's not even counting the wasted time because of the serial down vote griefers. For hours/days everything posted will have -5 slapped on it within 5 minutes of posting and dies in /new. Almost makes you go "You know, this content I found that other pedes might enjoy just isn't worth the effort to upload to PDW." It certainly doesn't make me want to go hunting up every sauce when it's just gonna get, maybe, 20 eyes on a it.

diogenesOTarch -1 points ago +7 / -8

I came across it already as a screenshot. Took me literally 30 sec to pull up. If it seems legit and all the identifying info is there then the person asking for sauce can go find it for themselves if they're that goddamn interested.

diogenesOTarch 0 points ago +1 / -1

I like to spread as much joy as possible and let the normie-redpilling-squads pick what they want to take to the normie-socials. Never know what's going to stick.

None is OC, but none is taken from any CDW communities and, at least to the best of my knowledge, I avoid reposts.