Got posted on NCD on reddit:
They basically had some weirdo like we get here posting a fantasy about how Pakistan was going to take over the world because Allah was going to just magic them up 3,000 black fighter jets.
her saying it's a brain disease you can't control:
Well then, considering black women are the fattest by far I guess that means they have a genetic brain disease that makes them... ohwait. huh.

[0 fucks given about downvotes, I know this sub hates Ben Shapiro and the DW. I routinely speak truth to those who don't want to hear it on Reddit, lol.]
Ben Shapiro and the DW are 100% in the right in this one, and Crowder is a slimy douchebag who is 100% in the wrong.
Crowder solicited a job offer from the DW
10/5/22: The DW gave him an offer of $50 million for 4 years, meant to be a starting point for negotiations (the document even says this, that it's a starting point and a framework, not a "take it or leave it" deal)
11/2/22: Crowder gets INSULTED by the offer, demands $30M per year, and demands the DW re-write the term sheet entirely instead of making edits to the one already provided.
11/14/22: DW rejects Crowder's demands.
12/12/22: Steven registers, planning a future hit piece on the DW to cast himself as a rebel against the establishment, and a victim.
1/7/23: Steven texts Jeremy in friendly fashion to ask if they can talk.
1/9/23: Steven calls Jeremy and secretly tapes him.
Then Crowder releases his little hit piece, lambasting the "contract" without mentioning that it was not a final offer but just a starting point. He cherry picked out certain contract provisions designed to share or mitigate risk, some of which were provisions I would personally disagree with as a little excessive, and which might have been inserted or exaggerated purely to be "traded away". I don't do business that way, but it's a standard business practice. Nothing wrong whatsoever with the DW doing it.
Crowder is a baby. He doesn't seem to understand how the concept of negotiation works. His ego couldn't handle getting offered what he thought he deserved as a 1st offer, to the point where he got emotional and unprofessional about it.
Crowder's attacks on the DW amount to r-antiwork bullshit. "slave contract" for $50 million. Riiiiight.
And yes, Crowder did the supremely scumbag move of knifing his fellow conservatives and friends in the back and trying to damage their reputation, all so he could generate hype, drama, and views for his new project launch. Secretly recording a phone call made under false pretenses is a mega scumbag move.
this is just a rant and not very polished so...
The Left wants to create an unthinking consoomer information market where it alone sets the rules and controls the Overton window.
Not all "content moderation" is bad. Sometimes too much of the wrong content can drive people away. Spam is one example, but to use this sub as an example, Imp turning it into his personal war against women is a net negative for the sub. So is Chukna turning it into his personal war against Finland. The "Savior" moron who thinks he needs to share his idiotic "wisdom" with this sub no matter how many times he gets downvoted, blocked, and banned. By allowing the fringe to take over, you drive away the much much larger group of normies who don't really want anything to do with the fringe. Youtube and Twitter solve this issue easily by using the algo to boost popular content, which causes the fringe content to get lost and unseen. That's fine, as long as the boosting is politically neutral and follows business logic of maximizing views and site usage. Unfortunately, the Left has corrupted the algo to detract from profits in order to push their politics.
The Left wants NPCs who don't think for themselves, they just download the latest firmware update.
The Left already created this system and had it running for decades: the mainstream media. It was a small, elite group that they completely took over, which told everyone how to think, with great success. The internet threatened that system, so the Left needs to take over the internet platforms to maintain its system.
Fundamentally, bad/wrong speech is bad, but people don't agree on what speech is bad except for extreme cases like cp. Instead, the only reliable/fair way to identify what speech is good vs bad, true vs false, is to allow all speech to wage war openly through debate, and allow the people in aggregate to decide. The Left doesn't accept this, because they often lose. But since the Left has been indoctrinated to accept that their beliefs are Correct and their opponents are Wrong, when they lose, they don't accept the result, they say "those evil Right wingers tricked everyone with lies! if the system was fair, everyone would agree with me!" And so the Left needs to keep rigging the system in their favor to make it "fair" so the results match their expectations, which is that Left wing ideology is always correct and always wins, comrade.
The Left is self-aware enough to know that they can't "get away with" what they truly want deep down, which is North Korea-level enforced "Truth". So instead they attack the Right on speech battlefields the Left think they can cobble together a majority on: such as COVID "misinformation" or "hate speech", but of course, while they sell these ideas to moderates using extreme cases, as soon as they get the power to censor, they rapidly expand what fits under these concepts until they push it so far, they get blowback. Then they slow down a little bit and pretend to walk it back, then try again, over and over, biting and clawing away at anyone they disagree with, slowly eating away all opposition by default, knowing their opponents will tire and slowly give ground.
Thinking is hard, who's got time for that? Just get the short version, the pre-digested version. Your friends will think you're smart and well-informed in record time! Nobody wants to struggle with dissonance. Nobody wants to wrestle with difficult and controversial ideas. Nobody wants the horror of adopting the minority view. Just sit back, and we will tell you all the facts, and do all the analysis for you, and give you all the conclusions.
COVID wasn't made in a lab. The US government didn't pay the Chinese for gain of function experimentation on bat coronaviruses. The lockdowns were highly successful. Masks worked. Hand washing worked. The vaccine totally stopped transmission, justifying forcing it on unwilling people. Those who rejected the vaccine only did so for crazy, selfish right wing ideological reasons. It was right to fire them from their jobs to punish them for being bad people. Trump was the mastermind of a literal insurrection and attempt to overthrow the US government and end democracy. The insurrectionists on 1/6 literally tried to murder Congress and hang Mike Pence. And Trump did all this as an agent of Putin. Russia is the evil behind everything. BLM was mostly peaceful, and also rioting is the language of the unheard and good as long as black people do it. Black people are nice and law abiding and dindu, yet cops gun thousands of them down in the streets every year because racism. When you say a trans woman is a man, you are committing a literal murder. Drag queen story hour is wholesome family fun. Mutilating the genitals of little kids and pressuring them to identify as a different gender (so many to choose from! how can you pick just one?!) is critical medical assistance that is needed to save lives. When you refuse to wear the pride flag, you are an evil hateful bigot and should be canceled. Men bad. Whites bad. Women bad, but only if they don't like women with penises. The world will end by 2030 in hellfire unless you become vegan and buy an electric car (not tesla) NOW.
Roaches get fucked.
Erdogan was holding up the NATO ratification of Finland and Sweden unless they turned over Turkish political dissidents to him en masse. Having basic respect for human rights and the concept of an independent judiciary, they said no. So there has been an impasse throughout 2022.
NATO member Turkey requested in October 2021 to buy 40 advanced F-16 fighter jets, 79 kits that would upgrade Turkey’s existing fleet of aged F-16s, as well as hundreds of bombs and missiles. The U.S. has warned Turkey that Congress may not approve the $20 billion sale if Ankara does not ratify Sweden's and Finland's NATO bids, a senior Turkish official said on condition of anonymity.
Turns out you can't run an airforce off of little TB-2 drones. Turkey's air force is based on F-16s, and they need the US for modernization, upgrades, and maintenance.
Dekachiin5 had a long run. I got banned a few days ago for some post I wrote shitting on trannies.
I only got a 10 day ban, actually. But I wrote an appeal that said the admins are all a bunch of trannies, (I was burned out on reddit anyway) which really pissed them off so they permabanned my account twice, and then when I made a new one following the basic rules of changing IP and restarting my browser in private mode, they still hit the new account. I don't believe they can do this using their ordinary processes, but when they get really angry, they can manually do it. I have noticed that there are periods of time where I stir the tranny admins up and they hound me very aggressively for a week or two banning accounts until they think I've gone away, then I'll be able to make a new account after that and post for months and months with no problems. I make it a lot easier for them since my usernames are all the same name but with the number at the end changed.
Anyway, reddit is a libtard shithole, and pretty much every sub is flooded specifically with pro-Democrat anti-Republican propaganda. Mark my words, by the end of this year, every single thread will have absolute screeching about DeSantis or whoever the leading Republican primary candidate is.
Twitter has noticeably improved since Musk took over in terms of becoming more moderate. His predictions:
Oil price will rise to $150 a barrel, and gas price will top $5.000 per 1.000 cubic meters
The UK will rejoin the EU
The EU will collapse after the UK’s return; Euro will drop out of use as the former EU currency
Poland and Hungary will occupy western regions of the formerly existing Ukraine
The Fourth Reich will be created, encompassing the territory of Germany and its satellites, i.e., Poland, the Baltic states, Czechia, Slovakia, the Kiev Republic, and other outcasts
War will break out between France and the Fourth Reich. Europe will be divided, Poland repartitioned in the process
Northern Ireland will separate from the UK and join the Republic of Ireland
Civil war will break out in the US, California. and Texas becoming independent states as a result. Texas and Mexico will form an allied state. Elon Musk’ll win the presidential election in a number of states which, after the new Civil War’s end, will have been given to the GOP
All the largest stock markets and financial activity will leave the US and Europe and move to Asia
The Bretton Woods system of monetary management will collapse, leading to the IMF and World Bank crash. Euro and Dollar will stop circulating as the global reserve currencies. Digital fiat currencies will be actively used instead
Season greetings to you all, Anglo-Saxon friends, and their happily oinking piglets!
My responses:
Oil prices have fallen and stabilized after a brief spike earlier this year from Russia's invasion. The dynamic in oil markets right now is that poor economic conditions and aggressive US/EU efforts to subsidize and push EVs and other alternatives are putting downward pressure on demand, and it remains to be seen of lack of new investment (caused by libtard hostility) will harm supply faster than the libtards hope to crush demand. However, since new investment takes years to get online, there isn't going to be any huge oil spike in 2023.
UK is obviously not going to even attempt to rejoin the EU no matter how badly most British want to and no matter if they would win a vote on it now. The bongs have treated this as a settled issue, and there must be institutional actors already wedding to staying out preventing the issue from being relitigated.
The EU is obviously not going to collapse any time soon. This is just posturing.
Poland and Hungary have 0 desire to land grab. There is a historical issue here where a long time ago, Poland and Ukraine did have territorial disputes, but that is ancient history now, and Poland has been a strong supporter of Ukraine for the past 30 years, and has been probably the biggest european supporter of Ukraine in the war.
bro where can I download this HoI4 mod? and we all know the French would surrender in less time than it takes to cook a baguette.
if it was going to happen, it would have happened a long time ago.
lololololol. dude. while there are scenarios where a US civil war becomes possible, such as the Democrats trying to ram through statehoods & illegal alien amnesty & USSC packing, that's all off the table now that the Republicans control the House, and the Democrats weren't really in a position to do it anyway because of the Senate. California is supremely libtarded & would never secede from the left wing feds. Texas wouldn't ally with Mexico, lol they hate Mexico. Elon Musk, while being the new left wing hate object online, isn't actually particularly popular on the Right and can't run for office anyway since he's a foreigner.
More wishful thinking and total lack of awareness that "Asia" doesn't remotely have its shit together. The Chinese stock market is a joke that even its own people refuse to invest in.
Bretton Woods is from 1944 and ended over 50 years ago: "On 15 August 1971, the United States terminated convertibility of the US dollar to gold, effectively bringing the Bretton Woods system to an end". Also digital fiat currencies? lololol is this dude buying NFTs?
what are the top websites and are they free and available to the public or what? I suspect that the results are nowhere near as "good" as the cherry picked images you get linked in news articles and posted on twitter.
written by some internet thot about some twitch streamer: the people involved are irrelevant, though, the real issue is how a dumb thot allowed herself to get cum dumpstered and then regretted it, and instead of her taking responsibility, she cries rape:
we get upstairs and he starts talking about how hot i would be pregnant. he then proceeded to jerk off in front of me while continuing to talk about how he thinks about getting me pregnant constantly. he kept begging me to have sex with him. i said no. he continually attempted to take my clothes off. i kept saying no. at the end and i mean the very end he rolled me over and put himself inside me and finished, unprotected.
I don't understand the concept of a woman who does not want any of these things to happen, and yet allows it to happen and doesn't make any attempt to leave whatsoever.
If a guy starts masturbating in front of you in his apartment, and your reaction is not to run away, but to sit there patiently as he continues, that seems like you're okay with it.
And as far as "he rolled me over and put himself inside me and finished, unprotected." she does not claim he used force, nor did she claim she resisted. She acts like she had no agency or say in what happened.
rich said i couldn’t stay there.
so she claims to have been raped, and yet her top priority was to spend the night with him, and he rejected her?
This wasn't rape or sexual assault, even taking everything she wrote as true. It was a garden variety situation where two people wanted different things, she caved in and gave him what he wanted, and then she regretted it.