Imp visits China (media.kotakuinaction2.win)
posted ago by dekachin ago by dekachin

Hi. Thanks for doing this interview with us today.

Pardon me, I was just telling some trannies on twitter to cope, seethe, and dilate. What were you saying?

Why is your lawyer here?

Well he's paid through the end of the year and that twitter tranny groveled her way out of getting sued, so I keep him busy driving me around, fetching me coffee, etc. Speaking of which, Mr. Steinberg, some french roast from the Kcup machine we saw on the way in? Thanks.

Name your favorite kind of transphobia, go!

The only real transphobia is how trans people are scared of everything and cry online and kill themselves while they use it to bully everyone else.

“New York Times opinion columnist Pamela Paul recently wrote a column titled ‘In Defense of J.K. Rowling.’ Have you read it?”

Yes it was actually good and made a lot of sense. It's shocking that the NYT posted it. I guess they're as sick of the tranny's bullshit as I am over there now.

“Do you feel at all guilty to have disappointed some fans with your views?”

None of the people whining about me online are my fans. It's a small number of unemployed trannies who live on twitter, and their intersectional "allies" who think that by destroying me, they can win a power struggle inside the Left between intersectionals, who want to subjugate women to mentally ill men, and actual, real, women, who just want to go to the loo without a sweaty dick hung over the next stall.

“Don’t you find it hypocritical to publicly attack a marginalized community when your fortune and fame comes from books that champion a bullied outsider?”

Trannies aren't "marginalized" and haven't been for a long time. They are the bullies. They just lie and claim to be victims because that's how the Left's hierarchy works these days. The more you can fake your victimhood, the more power you get handed to bully and abuse others. That's intersectionality.

“Will you be silenced?”

The trannies and their useful idiots are certainly trying their hardest to make that happen, they just don't have the balls. wink

“Some activists have—”

fanning herself with $10,000 bills "What? sorry I don't care. Ask me about people who matter, you know, people with jobs."

“Would you tell us about a time that you were personally victimized by a trans person?”

This isn't about me, it's about all women. How about the spa in Los Angeles where a clearly male sex offender exposed his genitals quite brazenly to little girls, and then when their mothers complained, the spa took the side of the sex offender and society tried to ostracize the women? Or how about that story openly told by a tranny about how he forced his way into a public women's restroom, invaded the stall of a little girl, and drove her to tears as he forced himself on her. Or how about that OTHER TIME the same thing happened, and the tranny got a slap on the wrist? Trannies invade women's spaces and put us in danger. All I'm asking is that we stop lying and saying that these men are women, and respect women-only spaces.

“Why couldn’t you just take your billions of dollars and go away?”

I worked hard to follow my passions and create fantastic stories to change the world for the better. Now that I am rich, I feel I have a duty to speak out for the countless women who don't have a voice. I need to be brave and put up with puerile little twits like you to show women that it's okay to tell the truth and stand up for themselves. This is important work.

“Do you think you’ll recover from this?”

Recover? I've nothing to recover from, dear. I'm winning. I've been winning this whole time.

“Where does all of this lead?”

To the systematic annihilation of all trannies by gassing them. Just label the gas chamber a women's restroom and they'll all rush right in.

HAHAHAHAHAHAH you should see the look on your face, idiot. Nobody cares about the trannies. Certainly no one is trying to kill them, contrary to their constant claims. We just want them to get their filthy dicks out of our spaces.

“Why are you such a huge fucking hateful dork?”

Speaking of dorks, why did you cut yours off, and then have a wound cut between your legs that you're required to stuff a dilator into so it won't heal?

“How would you defend your books to those who call for boycotts of Harry Potter because of the detestable things you say online?”

Boycott? I've never seen any evidence of any boycott in my royalty cheques. I don't think a few unemployed twitter trannies really have any effect on HP franchise sales. I'd like to thank them for the extra promotion of the new video game, though, free advertising never hurts. And I've never said anything that any person of sound mind would find detestable.

“Why were you absent from the Harry Potter reunion? Did HBO bar you from attending?”

Perhaps you should Google it, stupid, as I've answered that before. Here you go: “I was asked to be on that and I decided I didn’t want to do it,” she told host Graham Norton during an appearance on his Virgin Radio UK show and clarifying she was not excluded from the reunion. “I thought it was about the films more than the book, quite rightly, that was what the anniversary was about.” She then added, “No one said don’t [do it]… I was asked to do it and I decided not to.”

“Was it embarrassing when you used a pseudonym to see if people would like your work without the name J.K. Rowling attached, and it turns out that they didn’t like it at all, and then you had to reveal you were using a pseudonym to increase the sales?”

I decided to write in a new genre and didn't want to take unfair advantage of my fame. It wasn't to "see if people would like your work without the name", it was to put myself on a level playing field with other authors and get honest feedback. My first book was successful enough in that it was picked up for publication despite the publisher not knowing it was me. I was very happy with the results and was unhappy to be outed. I did not reveal it. It was a moderately successful book for a 1st attempt. Now that I've been outed, copies are selling for $4,000–6,000 each.

Was it embarrassing for your parents when you told them you were a woman and started showing up to holidays in a wig?

“Do you have any words of encouragement for aspiring transphobes?”

I'm not "transphobic", whatever that's supposed to mean. I just don't want men, mentally ill or not, in women's restrooms, or playing women's sports, what have you.

“What do you think about cisgender people who support trans people living as their preferred gender?”

I support them too, just as long as I don't see them in the loo.

“Let’s talk about some other issues. Are you anti-abortion as well?”

No but one of the tactics the trannies used to attack me online was to falsely claim in an online meme that I opposed abortion. Quite pathetic, really.

“Do you have anything you’d like to tell your fans?”

Thank you, I love you all, I hope my stories fills your hearts with joy, and your tranny gashes with BBC.


Dr. Riittakerttu Kaltiala is considered Finland’s top pediatric gender doctor who has been overseeing childhood transitions since 2011. A couple weeks ago Dr. Kaltiala gave an interview to a leading newspaper in which she explained that most kids will adjust to their bodies, unless they are socially transitioned.

Evidence from a combined 12 studies to date demonstrates that when children with cross-gender or gender variant behavior are left to develop naturally, the vast majority—“four out of five,” according to Kaltiala—come to terms with their bodies and learn to accept their sex. When they are socially transitioned, virtually none do…

Gender self-identification in youth is not a mere clerical “formality.” In Kaltiala’s words, “it’s a message saying that this is the right path for you.” Kaltiala thus concurs with NHS England, which recently noted that social transition—using a child’s preferred name and pronouns—is “not a neutral act” but rather one that can solidify what is otherwise likely to be a passing phase into a more permanent state of mind, or “identity,” and put the minor on a path to drugs and surgeries. The NHS now warns of the risks of social transition in children and recommends it only for adolescents who have been diagnosed with gender dysphoria and have provided informed consent.

It's not a bug, it's a feature. The Left knows it can multiply the number of trannies by manipulating children into rejecting, instead of accepting, their real gender.

They're mass producing trannies through manipulation of mentally ill young girls:

Within a few years of their country adopting the Dutch protocol in 2011, however, Finnish researchers noticed a sharp rise in the number of patients referred for services. Most of these patients were teenage girls with no history of dysphoria in childhood, and some 75% had a history of severe psychopathology prior to the emergence of their gender-related distress. During this same time period, the U.K.’s largest pediatric gender clinic, at the Tavistock Centre, witnessed a 3,360% surge in patient referrals between 2009 and 2018. Most of the new patients were females—whose representation in the clinic rose 4,400% during this time frame—with a history of serious psychological problems and no gender dysphoria prior to adolescence. Similar trends were being observed in other countries with pediatric gender clinics, including the United States. In 2018, the American physician-researcher Lisa Littman published a study suggesting that teenage girls with high rates of mental health problems were suddenly declaring a transgender identity, often in friend groups and after prolonged exposure to social media.

On the question of why so many minors are rejecting their sex (up to 9.1%, one U.S. study found), Helsingin Sanomat suggested that “many young people grab the idea available in the media and social media that their problems are caused by gender identity and will be solved if others start to see them as members of the other sex.” But that does not work, according to Kaltiala. “A balance of mind does not come from making others do and see what you want.”

As for the lies about suicide:

The popular “transition or suicide” narrative used by activists to push back against state reform efforts is, in Kaltiala’s words, “purposeful disinformation, and spreading it is irresponsible.”…

While there is evidence that teenagers who identify as transgender have elevated rates of suicide and suicidality ... there is no evidence that their elevated risk is because of unaffirmed gender identity or that social and medical transition will reduce their risk for self-harm.

There was no epidemic of suicides among gender-distressed teenagers before “gender affirming” hormones became available roughly 15 years ago. A study from the U.K. found that the suicide rate among minors seeking medical transition between 2010 and 2020 was 0.03%—nothing close to the 41% risk commonly cited by American activists.

On the other hand, in a large Swedish study, suicide mortality had clearly increased among adults who had received gender reassignment treatments.

While I like to joke about tranny suicide as much as anyone else, it's a meme, at least in teens. Affirming their delusion only makes them more likely to kill themselves.

As Alison Clayton has argued in a peer-reviewed paper, “an excessive focus on an exaggerated suicide risk narrative by clinicians and the media may create a damaging nocebo effect (... “self-fulfilling prophecy” ...) whereby suicidality in these vulnerable youths may be further exacerbated.” Tell kids that being suicidal is inherent to being transgender and that only hormones will solve their problem, and many may indeed become suicidal. The “affirm or suicide” discourse also runs counter to the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control, which emphasizes that “[s]uicide is never the result of a single factor or event” and warns against “presenting simplistic explanations for suicide.” It’s hard to think of a better example of “simplistic explanations” than “trans kids kill themselves when not given hormones.”

Kaltiala thinks that the suicide discourse is being pushed by “adults who have themselves benefited from gender reassignment, have a desire to go out and save children and young children. But they lack understanding that a child is not a small adult.” Activists are driven by a combination of motives including misguided empathy, a savior complex, and projection.

They left out "political activism" & "validation through proliferation" as major driving causes.

Unlike American doctors who dare question “gender affirmative” orthodoxies, Kaltiala has the backing of professional medical groups in her country.

And WHY IS IT, EXACTLY that American doctors are afraid to speak out? Leftist political activists, that's why.

source: https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/science/articles/finland-youth-gender-medicine & https://archive.is/oe48S


It's not 2,000. It's about 10. edit: someone said he thinks Shapiro said "two dozen" not 2,000, and listening it to again, that sounds right. It's a little high but it's not that far off.

I like Ben Shapiro and think he's a smart guy usually. I know this sub hates him, so enjoy me shitting on him in this post, I guess. I don't know if he's gotten too busy and can't keep his facts straight sometimes, or has gotten too complacent with his daily show, but once in a while he says clearly dumb, wrong shit where he should clearly know better.

The other day he said Russia needs Crimea to have a "warm water port", which is retarded, since Rostov & Novorossiysk are right next door. And no, while I don't expect Ben to know the details of Russian ports, I do expect him to know the basic geography of the Black Sea and the fact that Russia has a number of other coastal cities/ports on it. Anyway, this kind of thing happens more often than it should, and he ought to have better or more staffers giving him research and fact checking.

Direct link to his statement.

Graphic I've seen him link before where he mocked libs for being wildly wrong and thinking that thousands of unarmed blacks were mowed down by the cops every year when the true answer is about 10... and then he did the very thing he mocked the libs for himself today.


Paper available here: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4285680

The conclusion of the paper is that middle managers are using wokeness as a weapon to amass power within the corporate structure:

We suggest that middle managers have played a critical role in promoting corporate wokeness because they have been particularly likely to possess the ability, opportunity, and motivation to do so. First, executives may delegate initiative related to woke causes to middle managers, not only because executives usually lack expertise, but also as a form of “insurance” against claims they are insufficiently committed to wokeness. Second, middle-managers may push woke agendas that increase their authority or span of control (Pfeffer & Fong, 2005), for example by positioning DEI initiatives as natural HR functions that are essential to managing a division or a function. Third, middle managers may also call out “woke-washing” (i.e., claims that the firm is supporting progressive causes externally but not taking them seriously internally), thus contributing to the creation of a woke internal culture, which again may be beneficial for instrumental as well as normative reasons, but also bolsters the internal power of these managers.

Underlying this are factors that create an environment for it: (1) some owners, executives, managers, and workers are true believers who push the woke agenda within the corporation, (2) managers want to "get ahead of" where they see the winds blowing so they can boost their status, (3) external pressure, even if objectively weak, can be exaggerated and used as an excuse to act by these managers.

Why do top managers support the introduction of woke practices and behaviors by middle managers? We highlight the roles of middle manager delegation, network position, and motivation.13 We argue that these three factors have complementary effects on internal advocacy: delegation confers control (Aghion & Tirole, 1997) over information channels between internal and external networks (Soda et al., 2018), and such control allows middle managers to become entrenched. In the context of woke policies, middle managers have specialized knowledge, may control critical aspects of the firm’s internal and external communications, and are often shielded from effective internal review due to the lack of metrics for woke performance. Embracing wokeness can thus provide authority, job security, and career opportunities.

I would add that once wokeness gets entrenched, you end up with a cult-like race to the bottom, where managers fear not being woke enough will expose them to attack, whereas it is impossible to be "too" woke, thus there is a race to maximally signal woke virtue and prove that you have the strongest woke bonafides. Since woke ideology preaches that women, LGBTs, and nonwhites have privileged status, these people have an extra incentive to push woke ideology, AND they have been dominating middle management thanks to decades of affirmative action.


I'm only just recently watching season 3 with my girlfriend.

The Orville has actually gotten better every season. Season 1 was kindof dumb and didn't know where it was going, but by season 3 Seth Macfarlane clearly told the writers "just make TNG episodes" and it works pretty well.

One thing I realized with the show is that it isn't Star Trek, it's a Star Trek LARP by Seth Macfarlane and his friends. The weakest part of the show is that some of the actors suck because they're literally just his friends. The worst offender is the black engineer guy. He can barely say his lines and has 0 acting skill, so it is really awkward. Also almost all the characters act like Current Day people, and even use slang and sayings that only make sense for present day people. Hence the whole show feels like a LARP and not the real thing.

Seth Macfarlane is obviously woke, but strangely he has gone out of his way to make the messages of his show nuanced. Here are 2 examples:

  1. So one of the aliens and best actors on the show is a dude named Bortus who is basically their Worf. He is a Moclan, a race of beefy dudes who are 100% male and despise females to the point where anyone born female is forcibly transed to male as a newborn. He has a daughter. In a prior season, there is a whole blowup over whether to trans her, but the Moclan government and Bortus' trad husband win and she gets turned male. Well, Season 3 she's older and suddenly she starts getting weird and possibly suicidal, so the Karen 1st officer sticks her nose in and gives her hints that she was born female, without fully telling her. She finds out the truth, freaks out, then there is a whole blowup where the trad dad refuses to let her de transition while Bortus allows it. Trad dad is cast as the villain and humiliated, basically.

What makes this nuanced is that a woke person could see this as supporting their trans shit, but if you look at it: the whole message is AGAINST transing the kids! It's basically saying that parents should not impose their will on their kids, which is exactly the whole mindfuck social contagion happening now in libtard cities where libtard white women are manipulating and pressuring their kids to be trans. Again, you can interpret it both ways. It's not explicitly preaching a libtard message. That's legitimately impressive storytelling similar to the legacy of TNG.

  1. There is an episode trying to get an alliance with a matriarchal race where the women dominate the men and the men are basically slaves with no rights. The ship plans to pretend to be the same way to win the feminist aliens to their side. So the Karen 1st officer pretends to be Captain while Seth is her lackey. It's played for laughs at first, but the Captain & other men on the ship legitimately get treated like dirt to the point where you feel bad for them, and then it gets pushed too far where the alien chicks start trying to treat them as sex slaves. The alien feminists are not portrayed as sympathetic or "good", they're cold hard bitches. Again, there isn't really any preaching, and a feminist could watch the episode and be like "hell yeah!" while Imp could watch it and be like "I'd like to order an exterminatus".

I'm not saying the show is a classic like TNG or anything, but I think Seth is trying hard to follow the spirit of TNG without copying it, and making his own thing. He's been learning and improving each season, and I think it's been getting better.

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