ceva -1 points ago +1 / -2

I understand the why perfectly fine. What I'm getting at is the why of the why, if that makes sense

ceva -1 points ago +1 / -2

Like the American civil war? From the 1860s?

You’re talking about people who support the confederacy? Because…I don’t see many people in leftist corners waving confederate flags…

ceva -1 points ago +1 / -2

Seems like you’re just going with the cop-out insult. Usually if someone has a good point they’ll actually make it instead of just lashing out

ceva -4 points ago +1 / -5

Nobody has a problem with Bollywood productions being full of Indians. Because that's organic.

…movies that take place in India?

If you're gonna act like media reflecting the people who made it and media being forced to adopt a demographic checklist to conform to WEF standards is the same thing then I know you're just a bad faith douchebag.

I don’t think it’s the same thing at all. I think that the people creating stories now are reflected in the current media, as it was in the past

ceva -7 points ago +1 / -8

Pretty big jump from looting to “they want to see your children raped and murdered”

Wouldn’t they have done that already? I mean, they looted and burned cities to the ground. How would they not have taken the opportunity to rape and murder if that’s what they wanted all along?

Also…praising Sherman? Is this in the troll corners of the internet?

ceva -6 points ago +2 / -8

He’s been banned from leftist platforms as well for trans comments.

I get in reddit from time to time. Haven’t seen anyone celebrating his death

“OpEn yOuR eYeS”

What you see on pages that might be dedicated to finding that content might seem common, but a lot of Reddit users don’t always look at political/social commentary. A ton just go for things like video games and fantasy football

ceva -13 points ago +1 / -14

Must have missed people celebrating the death of the firefighter...any links to that?

ceva 0 points ago +1 / -1

who yells and everyone with no charisma or charm, all viewers will hate her and journos will write shaming thinkpieces on how gamers are stupid pieces of shit for not watching..

Why don't you send me one of those articles calling people stupid pieces of shit for not watching.

Also I don’t really see her yelling at everyone or having zero charisma. I’d say you’re pretty far off.

I don’t see where the passive aggression is either. Can you give an example?

But he does get into interracial relationship with the girl. 1/2 point

One kiss is a relationship? Damn man you need to get out

brotherhood will be...prejudiced for no reason, they will invert the mission from saving technology to destroying it.


she solves easy problems with obvious solutions that any 5th grader could have figured out

What's one of those "easy" problems she solved?

ceva -20 points ago +1 / -21

It's probably not too far from the truth though

It is.

All neatly deconflicted with democracy and freedom in their mind because they weren't outright physically harming you. Using all the levers of government power to reduce you to a destitute wreck was A-OK in their book.

This is even more dramatic than the previous comment.

Who is "they" here, btw? OP is talking about people who think that TV filled with only white men is problematic, seemingly probably just leftist normies, and you're trying to tell me that these same people want you and your family killed and raped and they think it's funny?

ceva -4 points ago +1 / -5

that's how you and your ilk always are.

Baby assume harder.

Past shows reflected the people who made them, and weren't deliberately pushing a pro-white/male agenda.

Yes, and?

ceva -5 points ago +1 / -6

You don't actually know me that well, so your words don't carry much weight unfortunately.

ceva -5 points ago +1 / -6

I wasn't aware that saying people making a big fuss about race and bringing politics into shows was a shit starter.

ceva -6 points ago +1 / -7

Similarly, a lack of women/black characters in past shows was also a symptom. Same thing.

ceva -11 points ago +1 / -12

"The swastika is just a cross with 4 bent arms. Like, who cares?"

...lol you find that to be an apt comparison? The swastika is widely known as a symbol of the Nazi party. Having a black character isn’t nearly the same thing as a dictatorship

You can also have a black or female MC that's...its own character

ceva 0 points ago +1 / -1

We've been through this rodeo so many times now you can literally predict these things before it even happens.

You predicted wrong tho

ceva -3 points ago +1 / -4

Damn y'all aren't great at predictions

ceva -2 points ago +1 / -3

Welp, looks like you went 0 for 5 here

ceva -1 points ago +1 / -2

Then it's weird you kept trying to push back on it lol

ceva -1 points ago +1 / -2

Honest question.

It's a pretty dumb one lol

Nobody believes that outside of internet trolls who are looking to say controversial stuff to get a rise.

ceva -6 points ago +1 / -7

So you come off as the contrarian for the sake of it.

What's the difference of being contrarian for the sake of it and being genuine in my beliefs?

Do you like something simply because the main character is black or female?

No, that'd be pretty retarded.

ceva -7 points ago +1 / -8

It really doesn't require evangelism to have a black/female main character. Plenty of media gets by fine without it

ceva -8 points ago +1 / -9

...am I saying the equivalent of hating disney star wars with my comments? By saying I find it stupid when people complain about women/black people in roles?

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