He deleted his Gab account.

If you are on his campaign, and are reading this, you should know that the people attacking you won't stop because of this. They will absolutely use this as a sign of surrender, and parade through the streets cheering their victory.

You didn't buy forgiveness, or mollify them. Now they will come at you even harder than ever before, because Doug just showed them he is weak.

And in November, when Doug has to call to congratulate your Democrat opponent for winning by beating Doug like a screen door in a hurricane, I hope you remember this moment. This is when you lost.


We all knew that the hoplophobes behind the NY and CA guns laws would not take the Bruen ruling well, and now the response is becoming clear. There is a law working its way through CA legislature that would make just about everywhere off limits to carry, and NY is doing much the same thing.

Even though the Bruen opinion specifically calls out attempts to place large swaths of the city off limits, both CA and NY are going to do it anyway, thereby virtually guaranteeing yet another round of lawsuits that, under the new scrutiny standards, will probably get CA and NY permit laws declared illegal in their entirety.

I would find it the height of irony that childish petulance by state government officials are probably going to wind up seeing CA and NY carry permits get completely nuked in court, leaving CA and NY Constitutional carry states by default.


7 crew members of Colbert's show were arrested after sneaking into a Congressional office building after hours.


It seems like they were trying to do an on camera "journalistic" ambush, Project Veritas style.


Just happened today, 14 May. 10 dead, majority black neighborhood. Perp was radicalized by /pol/ .


Laura Loomer post on Gab states that Fox News has issued a PSA stating to be on the look out for "white supremacy."

This event is going to be plastered everywhere. Stand by for a crack down the likes we haven't seen yet.


Tim Pool has tweeted that bomb squad is at his studio. No further details, as he's being advised not to elaborate.



Antifa had a mass shooting at one of their meetings last night, and this morning, at the police news conference, Antifa disrupted and shut it down. Then, they harassed the public affairs police LT as he was leaving.

Andy Ngo has lots of video on his Twitter feed.


Youtube today suspended Dan Bongino for "medical misinformation." He was also demonetized for 30 days.

In an email response to YT, Dan writes:

Dear Coco,

Nice to meet you. I was sent your email about YouTube's suspension of my chanel. If I said I was surprised here I'd be lying. We knew it was just a matter of time before the tyrannical, free-speech hating, bullshit, big tech shithole you work for, would try to silence us. I anxiously waited for this moment however, as I've said on my show many times.

Thankfully, I'm one of the investors in Rumble, a video platform that respects free-speech. As a matter of fact, I have more than double the number of followers there, than on your shit platform.

So here's my deal to you, and there will be negotiation. After your "suspension," I will immediately post content questioning why masks have been totally ineffective in stopping this pandemic. I dare you to do something about it.

Respectfully Kiss My Ass, Dan Bongino


The Quartering had a Bitchute post on how GB:Afterlife is getting mediocre reviews on RottenTomatoes, and the chief complaint is how much fan service there is. If you see it, can you leave a review? We need a break from all the crap going on right now, and going to see even a semi-decent Ghostbuster movie could be a welcome break.


This is your Monday reminder to stay far, far away from the rally being planned for 18 September in D.C. I can't think of anything that glows like a false flag op more than that rally.

Don't go, and tell everyone you know not to go, either.


We all know how statistically impossible some counties were in the 2020 election, I won't go over them here.

Some private groups have known about how rigged our elections are for some time. Breitbart has a breaking story from 24 August 2021 about one such group that we have all heard of, True the Vote:


Steve Bannon had a segment on the Breitbart story: https://rumble.com/vm1ln1-all-hell-is-about-to-break-loose-in-georgia.html

The Deep State knows, too, and is preparing to act. US DoJ is moving pieces in place to counter attack, and to bring the entire weight of the US government down on private groups seeking to expose the widespread, pernicious fraud happening in Democrat strongholds across the nation. This coming fight is something Sundance posted at CTH last June:


In the coming all but inevitable conflict, keep your bullshit detectors tuned, and always seek out primary sources. This coming election integrity fight is going to be one of several conflicts that has the potential to ignite Civil War II. Always keep in mind that the last time US citizens tool up arms against their government was over exactly this issue, election integrity. Battle of Athens, TN (1946).


Currently get a warning error for vox popoli, restricted to author only. 0300 local 11 August.

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