Sundance at CTH brought up an interesting point about the 34 specified charges:
Each and every charge occurred at a time when Trump was no longer associated with the business entity involved. Trump resigned from all his businesses on 19 Jan 201, the day before he assumed the office as President. The first date specified in the charges is Feb 2017, a month after Trump resigned.
A top official in Democrat President Joe Biden’s administration recently told Congress that “natural immunity is not something we believe in.”
Gil Cisneros, Biden’s undersecretary of defense for personnel and readiness, made the statement while arguing the case for vaccine mandates for members of the U.S. military. Cisneros made the claim shortly after a British study showed prior infection protects people as well as or better than vaccination.
Original article (archived)
That man should be immediately fired for rank stupidity and incompetence.
According to KPTV, the decision behind closing their location is due to poor performance and financial reasons.
“We have nearly 5,000 stores across the U.S. and unfortunately some do not meet our financial expectations,” Walmart said in its announcement. “While our underlying business is strong, these specific stores haven’t performed as well as we hoped.”
The two remaining locations that Walmart will be shuttering are at Hayden Meadows, and East Part Plaza with 580 employees currently employed at the two locations. Both locations will be closing on March 24th.
Seattle has seen stores closing for years now. Retail theft is just endemic any more.
So, in a speech he gave in Poland, the installed President said, and I quote:
”I speak once more to the people of Russia. The United States and the nations of Europe do not seek to control or destroy Russia. The West was not planning to attack Russia as Putin said today, and millions of Russian citizens who only want to live in peace with their neighbors are not the enemy”
There is one thing we can say with near 100% certainty, and that is that the Biden administration does exactly the opposite of what they are saying publicly.
Those fucking idiots in D.C. are going to provoke a war with a nation that should be an ally.
Sundance over at CTH has said many times that the election of Trump put trillions at stake (see my headline.)
Read this article by the Federalist, and really think about the underlying baseline assumptions that the writer is discussing. That funding bill is 1 and a quarter trillion dollars. The GOP establishment and the Democrats are striking their usual sort of deal, and all of us will have to pay for.
If you ever wondered why the entire D.C. establishment conspired against Trump from the moment he descended the escalator, there is your motivation, spelled out in this article for all to see. Trump was an outsider, and threatened to overturn this apple cart of comfortable sinecures.
Unfortunately, Trump has thus far proven unworthy of this moment in history, but even so, he is still the only hope we currently have.
Bari Weiss has an ongoing thread, it confirms basically everything we have suspected about Twitter all along, that they are fucking with the accounts of political dissidents:
I'm going to use a direct Twitter link, because I am having major problems with nitter right now:
I said a couple of days ago that I wanted a destructor for a President, someone to go into D.C. and figuratively burn the place down.
Well, Sundance at CTH posted a Sunday interview that offers a glimpse into why I want that.
Can you grasp the underlying premise behind that conversation?
Mike Turner is part of the Uniparty, and thinks what an Outsider (Trump) is doing is beyond the pale. Note how he casually lets drop how he is holding meetings with Adam Schiff, serial liar and leaker who helped weaponize the intelligence agencies of the government to spy on a sitting president.
Do you get it? This conversation is a prosecutor's exhibit A of how Mike Turner has more in common with Adam Schiff than the people who vote to put him into office.
Like Sundance at CTH says, someone is going to have to start a second party.
It appears to have gone about as well as you would expect.
Clip going around Gab shows Ye walking out after an argument with Tim "sit-on-the-fence" Pool.
By order of the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips have been ordered RELEASED from custody, reversing the lower court decision which led to their detention and imprisonment for six days. Look for the full order here when it gets eventually posted.
0255 this time, not 0100 like the first time.
Same trans shithead as last time.