Archive link: https://archive.ph/dfAlx

Original link: https://shinyherd.substack.com/p/why-homeschooling-works-the-socialization

Funny how home school "socializing" doesn't have to be the peer driven Lord of the Flies environment of a public school that home school critics always mean, but never say. I think I would have rather have "socialized" like it is described here, in a more "real life" manner, where you meet varied and interesting people of all ages, and have to interact with them. My high school years would certainly been more interesting...


Here we go again.

This shit won't stop until those fucking looters are dead or in jail.



Revenge of the Bush family in TX falls flat on its face.

Please clap. :D


Just breaking now.

I think those jurors have had enough of the FBI's bullshit.

This is a teachable moment. If you get summoned for jury duty, and are politically aware, you need to be on that jury. Not only can you keep innocent people out of jail when the stasi come for them, you can nullify laws by acquitting every person charged under same.


She has proof that DeSantis paid them $110k to attack Trump.


(No, I can't fucking archive it, I am stuck in a perpetual captcha loop.)

You would think Littlest Chickenhawk Ben Shapiro would do it for free, but apparently not.


You all have read how much I despise professional Republicans. Well, here we have GOPe gatekeeper media personality Jonah Goldberg do a piece on CNN where he lets slip how really the problem that he has, and everyone else in the professional Republican party, is that we, the GOP voter base, are the problem; that They, the "professionals," have a clearer understanding of electability, and our small campaign donations encourage candidates to take positions that hurt their chances at election.

Reminder that these "professional" republicans are the ones that brought us Bob Dole, John McCain, and Mitch Romney, and are exactly the same ones trying to foist DeSantis on us. We voters are supposed to just pull the lever they tell us to, take our pellet, and go home.

Words cannot express how much hate I have for the likes of these people.


Next time you hear or see some libtard claim that 2020 was the "most secure election," or talks about Trump's "big lie," throw this in their face.

Multi-state organized fraud discovered a month before the election, and the FBI covered it up.

Signature match should be the primary tool people use to demand election reform. Democrats pitch a fit like a 2 year old when you do it, so expect it. They love to use it as a tool to toss signatures for petitions, and for disqualifying votes in Democrat primary races, but if you want 100% signature match for a general election, they will call you all the standard istophobe names in half a second.


Watch it, and be prepared for...

Klingon boy band.

That is all.

I haven't laughed so hard at a TV show in years.


Hmmmm, something seems off here.

Proving replacement theory is real by their own PR releases.


For those of you who played the original, the remake has been released on Steam. $39.99



A researcher has found four algorithms embedded into the New York State voter roll database that can alter data, have been used to generate spurious votes, and are not available to County board of elections.

As anyone who knows anything about IT security, there is no way to save that database, it must be deleted and rebuilt from scratch. This is the only way to be sure. It also means that no election using that database can ever be trusted again, forever.


Was watching Nik Reikeda stream tonight, and he was discussing the Montana law that bans download of the tiktok app.

Nik thinks the law violates 1st Amendment free speech. I have several bones to pick with him:

  1. Banning the app DOES NOT BAN ACCESS, either for watching or posting videos. You can upload a video via browser through tiktok.com. All the coverage I have read about this is completely glossing over this point, that the app is superfluous to using the service. It is a convenience, nothing more.

  2. App stores have banned social media apps before, Gab was kicked off both Apple and Google in 2018. How would this be any different?


I was linked to this by Vox Day on his blog. Key takeaways directly from the article:

  • The majority of attendees truly believe they are doing the right thing.

  • The majority of attendees look no further than recommendations from agencies of public health to guide their opinions. In other words, they fully believe COVID-19 mRNA (and other) vaccines are exceedingly safe and have saved millions of lives.

  • Beyond members of the FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) and officers from the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), few, if any, are aware of vaccine trial and post-marketing observational data around COVID-19 vaccine safety and efficacy.

  • The keynote speakers and expert panel moderators who raised the topic of “vaccine hesitancy” were dismissive of those who managed to avoid vaccination and were openly contemptuous of those who encouraged others to do the same.

  • Except for a few instances, the tone of the presentations and round table discussions were collegial. Aside from the pointed questions that Mumper and I were able to pose, there were no open hints that any of the attendees questioned the conventional narratives around the COVID-19 pandemic response.

  • One-on-one exchanges revealed encouraging signs that not everyone there has bought the conventional narratives around the pandemic.

  • Calls for public-private “partnerships” were a common theme.

I am not surprised, this is not the first time I have seen people who live and work in D.C. show such an absolute and total disconnect from the world outside of it. This is why I believe the FBI really does mean it when they say right wing extremists are such a threat that justifies infiltrating the Catholic church. They really do think that, they are not being cynical.

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