This was posted to KIA2 on reddit by windowcrashuser, but we all know how reddit is, so I am bringing it over here.

Long video about this, but he spends most of it reading the article, so I am going to to link to the article itself:


Original Medium link was deleted by the author.

Read the article, it confirms everything GG has said about SJWs since the very beginning.

And they call us toxic, holy shit.


Federal investigators asked banks to search and filter customer transactions by using terms like "MAGA" and "Trump" as part of an investigation into Jan. 6, warning that purchases of "religious texts" could indicate "extremism," the House Judiciary Committee revealed in a letter obtained by Fox News Digital Wednesday.

Fox News Digital has learned the committee also obtained documents that indicate officials suggested that banks query transactions with keywords like Dick's Sporting Goods, Cabela's, Bass Pro Shops and more.

farther into the story it mentions that it was Bank of America that handed over their records without being asked, which is yet another reminder that if you bank with BofA, you are terminally retarded.

If you don't use a local credit union as your bank by now, you are also retarded.


Forgot a link, here is the archive of the original fox story https://archive.is/hQpeU


Could this guy be any more of a Bond villain?


I mean, seriously, is he just acting? How does he think that is going to work?


Today's black pill moment:

Read the whole thread

No one, anywhere, should cooperate with the FBI, about anything, ever again. If you know an FBI agent socially, tell them you won't ever talk to them again, and tell them why.


Credentialed public health "experts" are just like martial arts styles, fakes and frauds that cannot face real questions that challenge base assumptions.

This was a good read, I highly recommend it.

Some great quotes:

it took team reality 3 months to go from “never looked at this before” to basic parity with public health and in 3 more, it had overrun the discipline.

And later:

the “experts” have had a REALLY bad 2 years. their credentials and lazy appeals to authority did not stand up to the arena. and they stopped wanting to talk to us at all and adopted epithets like “denier” and stances like “the science is settled.”

Where have we seen that language used before?

Oh yea, climate science. Funny, isn't it, how the credentialed always do the same thing when the amateurs pull their fancy pants down to their ankles?


As I cruise around the internet today I see literally everyone talking about the Epstein list, who is on it, who is not, and I am thinking that this is highly suspicious. I think that we are being distracted, yet again, from more serious events. Anyone else thinking what I am thinking?



Don't expect that to stay up long, the attacker is black.


MTG swatted. Her two daughters swatted. Jack Posobiec parents swatted. Now Rick Scott, FL Senator was swatted last night. Fox News Legal Analyst Johnathan Turley gets swatted after talking about it on air. GA Lt Governor was swatted as well. MTG is saying on X many more Republican officials report incidents.

Of course, the FBI is too busy chasing grandmothers who were let into Congress to even bother investigating.

It isn't even 2024 yet, shit's already getting crazy.


archive link: https://archive.is/iR6sB OG link: https://townhall.com/tipsheet/spencerbrown/2023/12/22/watch-douglas-murray-take-cenk-uygur-to-school-on-israel-hamas-war-n2632753

A beautiful thing to see. I look forward to another election meltdown video next year.


Here in Seattle there is skepticism that the outflow of residents moving out of the state are doing it for purely political reasons.

Here we have a writer for the local far left newspaper Seattle Times taking a look at a database Idaho released in late November, and he realized that yes, people ARE leaving for political reasons.

Key paragraph:

This is the “big sort,” proven. It’s long been known that the U.S. is separating into silos, driven mostly by vocation (such as Big Tech clustering on the coasts), by age or education (young college grads flocking to cities) or by affordability (the middle and working classes getting priced out of cities). These divisions are reflected in politics. This latest data suggests, though, that which team you’re on politically is now itself a driving force behind at least some of the sorting.

WA doesn't register voters by party, so this sort of thing is hard to detect there. Idaho does register by party, and the registration stats from arriving WA residents are telling a story.

Former NBC affiliate reporter Alison Morrow, herself a WA refugee now living in FL, has a video on this too.



Just watch this shit, and tell me AWFUL isn't the perfect acronym for these....these CUNTS

I mean, I gotta admit the grift Rao's got going here is masterful, in a don't hate the playa hate the game sort of way.


Preview posted today, coming in April 2024.

Remember how studies have shown Democrats don't understand Republicans?

Here is a perfect video manifestation of it.


Archive: https://archive.is/8EUw9

Discord continues to be shit, news at 11.


Currently gives a 503 error for me.

From Rumble CEO on X:

I can confirm that this attack has been unprecedented and has been happening since this weekend.

I also suspect it is political, coming from activists and/or organizations who want to censor our creators, and related to J6 videos being posted on Rumble.


Tony Heller comes with the facts:


NOAA is faking temperature date from thermometer stations that no longer provide data, has been since the 1990s. This fake data shows, what else, a warming trend, a trend that only exists because NOAA alters the temperature record.

Climate change is a fraud, has been the whole time. Never let anyone tell you different.


Remember how we all laughed at how the FBI and DHS will issue those ridiculous police warnings about MAGA republicans and the "radical right wing?"

I'm beginning to believe that those ass holes really do think that way. They are not joking.

Watch the interview in this Gateway Pundit piece.

Federal Air Marshals are following around anyone who flew into the DC complex on January 6 2021 if they fly again, no matter why they were in D.C. There is a list of these people, and if they get tickets to fly, they get followed by an air marshall.

This only happens if the bureaucracy in D.C really does believe what they are saying about some mythical right wing threat.


Twitter post: https://twitter.com/rumblevideo/status/1726675959523541440

Archive: https://archive.li/Yf5lX

Been about an hour so far. Suspicious timing is sus. I wonder who might have a vested interest in doing this (cough) Israel (cough)


Go research what the FCC plans to do. They are going to drape the heavy blanket of regulation over everything related to the internet, down to what equipment your ISP can rent to you.


Original post: https://www.aaronrenn.com/p/stop-shaming-men

Archive post: https://archive.ph/JzmQy

It’s one of the most well known facts in social science that women initiate the vast majority of divorces – around 70% or so depending on the source you look at. It’s a fact I have never heard an evangelical pastor mention. In fact, as one feminist scholar found in her academic research, in evangelical sermons ‘women are framed primarily as receivers of divorce rather than initiators.’ And, while there have been improvements, divorce court and child custody practices still favor women. . . . It’s also worth asking what Blake – and by extension the rest of the evangelical leadership class – are doing to reduce these risks, help men manage them, or to create an environment in which men have a better chance of marital success. The answer is basically nothing. . . . They could tell men, “Get married and we’ve got your back.” But they don’t. Instead, should some man actually get married and any troubles arise, they will almost certainly blame him for it.”

Evangelicals, is there nothing they can't fuck up?


Judge orders a new primary election after evidence was presented of widespread, pernicious fraud.

Original Link: https://ctexaminer.com/2023/11/01/court-overturns-ganim-win-in-bridgeport-primary-calling-evidence-of-fraud-shocking/

Archive Link: https://archive.ph/5oqQX

BRIDGEPORT – A judge ruled on Wednesday to overturn the city’s Democratic primary election, initially won by incumbent Mayor Joe Ganim, following claims of absentee ballot fraud by his opponent, John Gomes.

After two weeks of evidentiary hearings for Gomes’s absentee ballot fraud lawsuit, Judge William Clark ordered a new Democratic primary based on 180 pieces of evidence presented by Gomes’s legal counsel.

In the 37-page ruling, Clark said the video footage presented by Bill Bloss – Gomes’s attorney – was particularly alarming.

"Mr. Ganim was also correct to be ‘shocked’ at what he saw on the video clips in evidence that were shown to him while he was on the witness stand,” Clark wrote. “The videos are shocking to the court and should be shocking to all the parties.

I am confused, I have been told over and over again, for over a decade now, that election fraud rarely happens? But yet, here we see yet another local election overturned due to widespread, pernicious fraud. This happens over and over again, all across the country, but we are supposed to believe that this never happens at the state level? /sarc

File these links away, people. Throw them in the face of anyone who says election fraud never happens.


Archive.is apparently doesn't like it when you use cloudflare for secure DNS. I had to switch my secure DNS provider, and I could access archive links again. If you were getting the same capatcha loop I was, you should try that.


George Soros.

original link: https://townhall.com/tipsheet/miacathell/2023/10/25/soros-money-anti-israel-groups-n2630228

Archive is giving me the perpetual capatcha loop again, so I can't archive it.

Wednesday's storming of a congressional building situated on the U.S. Capitol complex, where a mob of allegedly violent Hamas sympathizers infiltrated the Cannon House Office Building rotunda, resulting in multiple arrests for assaulting police officers, was organized by two Soros-backed, nominally "Jewish" non-profits: the radical Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) and far-left agitator IfNotNow.

Through Soros's philanthropic work, JVP was awarded several grants totaling $650,000 that bankrolled its "human rights" campaign and "social welfare activities" in the Middle East, according to a grant database maintained by the Soros-funded Open Society Foundations, the central hub of the financier's anti-capitalist, redistributionist network. The Soros-branded Open Society Policy Center Inc. — once the second-largest spender on federal lobbying after the U.S. Chamber of Commerce — donated $150,000 and $200,000 in 2021 and 2019, respectively, to the Jewish Voice for Peace Action Incorporated, JVP's tax-exempt 501(c)(3). And, in 2017, Soros's primary grant-giving vehicle, the Foundation to Promote Open Society, gifted JVP $300,000.

To the surprise of absolutely no one.


As he is wont to do, Vox Day boils it down to bare metal.

original URL: https://voxday.net/2023/10/13/import-x-become-x/

archive URL: https://archive.ph/NuYw4

Key takeaway:

It is racist for a people to wish to remain a people and retain their language, customs, religion, laws, and culture. That’s literally what the neologism “racism” was coined to describe by the US general who articulated it as part of his personal war on the American Indian, and it is what it has always meant despite repeated attempts to move the goalposts as required for the purposes of rhetorical effectiveness.

I looked this up, the general in question did indeed say this, and was the originator of the term "racist."

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