I've never heard of this woman before, but I came across this on my Gab feed.
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JeP5qGLkKWU
B of A has done this over and over again. So has Chase bank. How in the FUCK does ANYONE still have accounts with BofA still?
The author writing Tucker's autobiography has the full copy that up until now only Fox had seen. In reading it, it sounds just like Tucker. It is also very much a polemic against the prevailing narrative of the day.
I'm not surprised it got him fired.
Original link: https://www.chadwickmoore.com/p/exclusive-tucker-carlsons-final-unaired
Archive link: https://archive.is/ROWIF
But in the meantime, because the words of our leaders matter, let’s consider the substance of what Sandy Cortes is saying. She’s demanding that our show be canceled because the things we’re saying are quote, “very clearly an incitement to violence.” Is this true? Even accounting for the fact that people tend to hear what they want to hear,
it is not true. It’s a lie, as anyone who watches this show knows. We are opposed to violence, not just philosophically but in practical terms. We’re against violent crime —the strong oppressing the weak. We’re against the horrors of late-term abortion and state-encouraged euthanasia. And above all we’re passionately opposed to the violent and pointless cruelty of the war in Ukraine, which the Biden Administration could end at any moment, thus saving the lives of innocents, but is instead prolonging purely for ideological reasons. Those are the things we dislike the most — the acts of violence our leaders endorse. Ocasio-Cortes is one of those leaders. She supports every one of those indefensible things, from abortion in the ninth month of pregnancy to extending the carnage in Ukraine. Who, honestly, is on the side of violence?
Archive link: https://archive.is/SIgSF
He claims that Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the time, and then-Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy, were plotting to disobey any orders handed down by Trump because they 'unreasonably' assumed the then-president was going to break the law and try to use the D.C. National Guard (DCNG) to stop certification of the 2020 presidential election results.
Speaking as a retired veteran, this makes me incoherent with rage. Civilian control of the military, what is that?
Miley should be hung by the neck until he is fucking dead, and so should Ryan McCarthy, that is fucking treason.
I'll tell you what, if Trump rolls into the WH on 20 Jan 2025 and orders whole sale round ups of his political enemies, I am there for it. As far as I can tell, they have all violated every basic tenet of the US system of government already, so if Trump has them summarily stood up against the wall of the WH and shot, that sounds perfectly fine by me.
Lotus Eaters has a video ( LINK ) discussing "What is Wrong with the Left?", and they led with a study I hadn't seen before
Archive link: https://archive.is/yygF3
From the article:
“I was very surprised that the level of liberal bias against conservatives was nearly three times greater than was conservative bias toward liberals,” Ridge said. “This is directly the opposite of what ideological asymmetry would predict. I was also surprised that given this result, liberal participants claimed that conservatives were much more prejudiced than liberals, whereas conservatives did not attribute any more prejudice to liberals than to conservatives. This is contrary to much popular opinion about liberals and conservatives in popular media and in the empirical literature.”
I am not personally surprised by this, as I am aware of previous studies that show the left really doesn't know all that much about conservatives in general, and do a really bad job at generalizing conservative ideas. I think this stems from the way the left is able to totally insulate themselves in an information bubble due to the overall heavy leftward bias in all cultural institutions.
Nitter: https://nitter.poast.org/TM1Politics/status/1785309707441185078
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TM1Politics/status/1785309707441185078
And the punishment update:
Nitter: https://nitter.poast.org/TM1Politics/status/1785355046890148084
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TM1Politics/status/1785355046890148084
Bifurcation of banking continues apace.
Archive Link: https://archive.is/rOXhg
Original Link: https://www.reuters.com/business/finance/russian-court-orders-seizure-jpmorgan-chase-funds-vtb-lawsuit-2024-04-24/
Im sure further details will emerge.
However, it gets worse for DC Comics, as he writes, “DC had a pretty bad year, with their lowest sales since 2004 – down 25% from 2022 in the bookstore market – even with their highest ever number of titles in the total list. In 2023 they had only 14 titles in the Top 750; in 2013, ten years ago, they had 130. That is a huge and troubling drop – but maybe laying off nearly your entire sales and marketing team is not a great strategy for growth? If someone had been been making a concerted effort to dismantle DC Comics, they couldn’t have been more surgical – luckily, DC still has talented execs like Marie Javins, Jim Lee, Annie de Pies and the rest of the staff who have thwarted those plans. And from what we’re hearing, 2024 will see some more moves to reverse this concerning trend.”
I wouldn't hold my breath.
103 reviews as I sit here typing this out, with a 89% fresh score.
I'm not going to see it, but I am definitely there for the woke reaction to it. I've got the popcorn ready. :D
Andy Ngo is mentioned at the end of the film because some of his archival footage was used, and far left twitter is having the predictable melt down over it.
Preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmEj42q8vlM
Looks like it is an independent effort, so it probably wont be well acted, but still, looks like this might be worth seeing, just based on the trailer...
John C Wright has a post up on his blog discussing an interview he gave in 2019 over the Sad Puppies campaign:
Q: What do you think is the primary artistic/cultural difference between the pro-Sad Puppies and anti-Sad Puppies camps? What is the primary political/ideological difference between the two groups?
JCW: The two camps are divided by a very clear and deep difference, which is neither artistic nor cultural. It has some political aspects, but the difference is more fundamental than any disagreement over laws and policies. There are ideological excuses given for motives, but the true motives run deeper, to the very core of the soul, and ideology is only a surface feature.
The divide is a religious war.
Do not be deceived by phrases like political correctness and social justice warfare. Politics and society are side effects of deeper differences, which are essentially religious in the sense that religion springs out of a man’s most profound beliefs about life and death, man and morality, cosmos and chaos and the ultimate causes of all things.
Political correctness is a religion in everything but theology. It provides the cultists with answers to all life’s basic questions, gives meaning and purpose to their lives, and forms the basis of their social interactions with others. It is their atmosphere.
Religious war are not fought over this issue or that issue, over this parcel of land or that. Such wars are fought over the eternal fate of men’s souls. They are fought over all things together as a whole. They are fought over the universe. No one thing is at stake. Everything is at stake.
Go read the rest. Understand that what he talked about then is even worse. They aren't even trying to hide their service to evil now, they celebrate it. Realize, down to your bones, that this will come to a physical fight, eventually, because evil cannot tolerate good, and that you best take the time now to learn everything there is to know about such people near you so that when it does go physical, you don't have to go anywhere to do something about it.
Mark Kern posted this on his X feed:
Archive link: https://archive.is/WNiDl
Original link: https://nichegamer.com/dlsite-temporarily-blocks-major-western-payment-processors/
DLSite, a website which sells doujinsoft manga, video games, and more has seemingly been forced to refuse major western payment processors Visa and Mastercard.
The article goes on to report that American Express has been added to their blocked policy.
Visa and Mastercard strike again. What was done to Gab in 2018, and others since then, is spreading overseas, to other places.
I'll add another thing, something that Sundance at CTH has posted about several times.
The economic sanctions regime levelled at Russia is not designed to erect a wall against Russia, it is designed to erect a wall around US. It is designed to keep us from escaping their control. You are watching the mechanisms for that be put in place as we speak.
Ed Piskor was hounded into suicide over #meto accusations. He named names in his suicide note.
Ethan Van Scriber talks about it on twitter.
I read about this on Ace of Spades
This was posted over at Ace of Spades blog, and is a comprehensive debunking of warmista dogma. Some bullet points:
The world has historically been much warmer than it is now. We are at a near-historically cold period and just emerging from an ice-age.
CO2, which is the trigger causing global warming according to the alarmists, is low by historical standards, and dangerously close to the low level that causes a die-off of life on Earth, because CO2 = plant food = life.
In the past when the Earth was much warmer, CO2 levels were much higher, indicating that higher temperatures cause an increase in CO2, not the reverse.
The post-war cooling period that precipitated the “New Ice Age” panic of the 1970s occurred despite rising man-made CO2 after WWII.
Outside of increasing temperatures in urban areas due to the urban heat island effect, there is virtually no change in temperature records at stations located in rural areas over the past century. Satellite and ocean temperature records don’t corroborate the rising temperatures found in cities.
There are no increases in “extreme weather” events. That is simply fear-mongering hyperbole.
Rumble link: https://rumble.com/v4k2ij6-climate-the-movie-the-cold-truth.html
YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55n-Zdv_Bwc&ab_channel=TonyHeller
Michael Mann presented his flawed hockey stick graph to Congress while I was in high school, and my initial reaction to the proclamations of the warmistas in the 1990s was always to doubt what they said due to their proscribed solutions (communism) to the problem of AGW. The rise of the internet has allowed me to see how flawed AGW is as a hypothesis, as every bit of the underlying data supporting their hypothesis was shown to be erroneous, and more importantly to me was how extreme the reaction was to those pointing out these errors. Any scientific hypothesis that has to be defended with personal attacks, censorship, and career destruction has achieved dogma status, and once the "consensus" narrative was put forth I knew that AGW had achieved cult status.
Sundance from CTH has read the text of the TikTok ban law, and notes that what is in the bill is radically different than what is being reported.
If TikTok data collection was the issue, the law would be structured to ban foreign data collection. That’s not what this is. This is a law written to give the Executive Branch the power to define any platform as “foreign owned” by the service provider (even if domestic) and the substance of the content contained and/or distributed.
Read the text of the bill yourself here (PDF warning!)
Make no mistake, they mean to control information. This is bigger than TikTok.
I've actually read the bill, and it doesn't do what was asserted it does.
I was catching up on the latest happenings regarding the SBI think, and I had a thought as I was watching a Yellow Flash video about that non-profit defending SBI with a Homeland Security grant.
If you can recall, I have said several times before that the D.C. bureaucrats really do believe the bullshit they spout when they talk about "extremism." OK, I can hear you asking, how does that apply here?
Well, Official D.C. has settled onto the belief that gaming fosters "extremism," and that gaming developers need resources to counter this "threat."
In short, Official D.C. doesn't view a gamer as much different than a Trump supporter.
I think that a lot of commentators covering the SBI thing on our side are cynically rolling their eyes over the way government is getting involved with this, and are not taking the threat represented by such involvement seriously. If government gets involved with this, as it increasingly looks like it will, well, GG won't be just a cultural movement in gaming any more.
If you want to know what it looks like when Government goes after "extremists," look at what is going on with Trump, and more importantly, what Official D.C. is doing to Trump's former staff. Going after law licenses via Bar complaints for nothing more than daring to represent Trump in court, and throwing not a few of them into jail on process crimes.
A white girl is in the hospital after she was mobbed by back students, and one of them beat her head on the pavement. The video has been making the rounds on X for the last few days, and some people are doing some digging.
Remember how race based discipline problems gave us the Parkland shooter and Treyvon Martin?
Well, it seems that St Louis suburb Hazelwood has the same policies in place:
Minneapolis has these polices, too, and teachers have been complaining constantly about being assaulted by their own students.
Been watching this and reminiscing as SFU hits the highlights of GG.
GG is directly tied to the current SBI scandal currently unfolding on Steam. In fact, the founder of the steam group is in this stream
Haley wins with 1,274 votes out of 2,030 votes cast. Trump comes in 2nd with 676.
Yes, you read that right. Out of a city with a population of 678,972 people, only 0.3% of the population voted in the Republican primary.
For all intents and purposes D.C. is a Democrat party company town.
I was going through my YT feed, and I came across this long video about the Tucker/Stewart beef. It is over an hour, but I think it really puts John Stewart Leibowitz into proper context.
I had never seen those Crossfire clips before, so watching Leibowitz lecture Tucker on his moral failings was all new. I don't know how Tucker put up with his moralizing ass, I would have tossed him out almost instantly. I couldn't stand Colbert or Leibowitz back then because of how blatantly one sided and disingenuous they were, but I can see what Leibowitz is doing a lot more clearly now. It isn't about politics, it is about moral lecturing, and he cloaks it in comedy.
52 minute long interview that goes into the corruption of academia by woke cult, and how pervasive plagiarism is.
It just reinforces my belief that a university degree issued since about 1995 is not only worthless, hiring anyone that possesses one awarded from that date is basically functionally identical to bringing a live 2000lb bomb into your organization.
TL;DR: Amazon is doubling down on DEI so hard you could get diamonds out of it.
If you have an Amazon prime account, still, you need to cancel it.
Links referred to in that video (archived of course):
This just came across my Gab feed:
Nitter: https://nitter.tux.pizza/Austen/status/1752026149624959041
Twitter https://www.twitter.com/Austen/status/1752026149624959041
This is one of the craziest things I’ve ever read.
First, the FAA gave secret code words to students in the Black Caucus of Federal Aviation Employees to put in their resume that would skip them to the front of the line.
In another instance of the signals to go to the front of the line was to say the high school class you received your lowest grades in was “Science.”
Yes, they literally shot you to the front of the line if you said your worst grades were in Science.
This one contains an email from the National Black Caucus of Federal Aviation Employees:
nitter: https://nitter.tux.pizza/tracewoodgrains/status/1751824863612825954
twitter: https://twitter.com/tracewoodgrains/status/1751824863612825954
Gee, I wonder if there is such a thing as National White Caucus of Federal Aviation Employees? There should be, if there isn't one, and sue anyone who tries to stop it into the poorhouse.